Blogs from Shahrukh Sohail
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Millennials and their “my life, my rules” approach
Nearly every youngster I have talked to is more interested in sakoon (relaxation) than working hard.
Islamabad has what it takes to set football standards for Pakistan, do you?
Despite Islamabad’s unwanted perception of going to sleep early, the capital is home to a thriving football scene.
Looking for organic pizzas tailored to your taste? Place your bets on Pizza Roulette!
The cheese is all-natural, the sauces are made from scratch and the entire process is free from preservatives or MSG.
Dear Faisal Hayat, it’s time to redeem your and Pakistan’s reputation
Critics have labelled these as hollow victories, as Pakistan is still struggling to improve in the international arena
Does Pakistan even care about its FIFA ranking?
Pakistan hasn’t won a World Cup qualifier in 28 years or scored a goal in over a decade!
Yes, I don't like watching football if Pakistan isn't playing
Pakistan was kicked out in the cruellest fashion in a head-to-head against India. We didn’t make it to the semi-finals
Hypocrisy at the Pakistan Football Federation is killing our chances at FIFA!
These foreign-based players who love to play for their country are treated with contempt in their own country.
Street Child World Cup 2014: We gave our street children nothing but they made us proud!
After years of being frowned upon, the boys had also learned that fame was a fickle friend.
Governments should encourage sports, not sports festivals
These so-called sports festivals are of no use. The government needs to work on building sport infrastructure first!
What does sugarcane have in common with football? Answer: Mohammad Adil
During his school days, Adil used to sell fruits and sugarcanes, going around the streets of Bahawalpur with his cart.