By the end of it, you will literally be questioning why you even bothered coming to watch the movie in the first place
The movie is quite shallow akin to the book, and trust me, it’s a book you cannot put down until you finish it.
The film openly discusses the concept of dowry, its impact on the bride’s family and the woman’s rights post-marriage.
With a mountain of emotions, Logan says goodbye to the legend of a mutant.
This movie has provided a new platform for direction in Pakistani cinema – one that is led by young visionaries.
The movie offers a fresh cast with comparatively young lead actors and a production team that knows its work.
The movie will thoroughly entertain children, however, adults may lose interest after the first 30 minutes.
The story with multiple twists in the narrative has a massive potential to keep you glued to the screen.
I mean, there was no alien king or queen in the first part, so why now? The queen's presence only takes away the fun.
The scene introducing the Mighty Eagle is the one you do NOT want to miss.