For Pakistan, there is bad and good news. It may have dodged a bigger bullet, but it’s far from being out of the...
Given how ugly and messy and complex the Kashmir dispute is, most nations won’t want to touch it with a 10-foot pole.
Cross-border shelling from Pakistan and retaliatory strikes from Afghanistan are likely in the future for two reasons.
As Bajwa settles in, perhaps the best advice for analysts is to watch and wait rather than project and predict.
So long as Pakistan perceives or projects India as a core threat, it’s unlikely to turn on its strategic assets.
One reason for continued courtship is fear. The US prefers to be on the good side of a volatile nuclear-armed nation.
Kabul knew that announcing Mullah Omar’s death would bring long-festering tensions within the Taliban to the fore.
Is ISIS scaring the Taliban off the battlefield and sending it scampering over to the peace table?
If ISIS fails to comfortably set up shop in South Asia, its mere attempt to assert itself could bring much bloodshed.
Militancy in Pakistan is no longer restricted to tribal areas. Thousands of militants have set up shop in cities.