Don't forget, when Modi’s BJP last ran the Indian government (1998 to 2004), it actively pursued peace with Pakistan.
No matter how free, fair and legitimate the election, Afghanistan has a long way to go before becoming a stable state.
Pakistanis contend that their nation had no terrorism problem until US forces entered Afghanistan in 2001. Nonsense.
Children are blown up, polio workers gunned down and religious minorities massacred. But this no time to go wobbly.
The US should understand that the South Asian countries’ own interests simply don't align with America's.
800,000 federal government employees have been forced to go on unpaid leave. The economic world should be worried.
Yes, Musharraf didn't provide sufficient security to Bhutto and regarded her with great disdain, but did he kill her?
With US officials calling drones “the only game in town” capable of targeting al Qaeda drones are here to stay!
The Americans know they can’t win on the battlefield. An agreement is their only hope, but will the Taliban concede?
PPP inaugurated the pipeline right before the elections not to safeguard national interests but for political gains.