Stories from Dr Akmal Hussain
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Humans, commodities and nature
To build a better future, the challenge is to establish a new relationship between humans, commodities and nature.
A planet in peril
Crisis of environment is rooted in relationship between humans, nature, commodities alienating humans from themselves.
Interfaith relations
It can be argued that exercising love, care towards others is important expression of presence of God in our hearts.
Can Pakistan prosper?
The most important prerequisite for prosperity is to control violence and reestablish order in the country.
Mainstreaming the poor
What is required is an institutional framework for training the farmers in scientific feeding and breeding.
Initiating inclusive growth
Opening economy to all citizens, than just elite, will create broad base of competition, efficiency, productivity.
Stabilisation without growth?
If GDP growth declines further, both poverty and unemployment, particularly of the youth, will increase further.
Basic services for all
Pakistan is undergoing a major demographic shift, which adds a new dimension to the issue of basic services.
Defending Pakistan
First it was Ahmadis in Lahore, then Shias in Karachi and Quetta, now Christians in Peshawar who were targeted.
Delhi and Islamabad must stay engaged
Climate change has resulted in an increased variability in the timing, location & volume of precipitation of monsoon.