Blogs from Sanjay Kumar
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India needs to defeat communalism and Covid-19
We are now at a stage where a substantial chunk of Hindus in India blame Muslims for the virus
A tale from across the border: How India is dealing with COVID-19
Beyond the surface is a disquiet and the sense of unease over the success of this unprecedented lockdown
India is at war with secularism
India today is a manifestation of the fears of India’s founding fathers
Sadhguru – BJP’s spiritual henchman
Hidden behind his calm demeanor and apparent rationality is a message laced with vitriol, prejudice and pseudoscience
We are fighting to protect India’s soul from a majoritarian regime
The people of India are resisting the divisive BJP agenda since there is a growing disenchantment with the government
The Citizenship Amendment Bill has tarnished India’s secular ideals
For the first time in the history of independent India religion has become a basis for citizenship
Why did students protest against a Muslim teaching Sanskrit in India?
He should have been celebrated as a symbol of India’s multiculturalism but has instead been targeted for being...
For us Indians, the Kartarpur Corridor represents hope
Imran has honoured the wishes of many people by ensuring that the corridor is ready for Nanak’s birthday...
How an Iqbal poem got a Muslim headmaster suspended in India
The suspension of a school headmaster is only the latest demonstration of growing religious hostilities in India
How significant will Manmohan Singh’s Kartarpur visit be?
The Kartarpur corridor may prove to be not just a religious corridor, but a corridor for peace in the region.