Blogs from Zoha Tapia
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So, what's this Kolaveri di anyway?
Kolaveri di may sound funny but it's actually sad - it's bound to resonate with the recently dumped.
Delhi belly: Bollywood's successful attempt at adult humour
A filthy, sexy roller coaster ride, with loads of potty humour, ugly situations and one liners!
Will Shiney Ahuja know life behind bars?
Shiney Ahuja's prison sentence may herald the end of celebrity feudalism. Will India's justice system be victorious?
No one cares about Bal Thackeray
No one is impressed by the hate campaign, Thakeray. It is time to retire the pitch fork.
Cricket madness: India's media frenzy
It's Tendulkar's last World Cup, and all of India is glued to the TV screen waiting for him to bring the cup home.
Lessons unlearned: Post 26/11 train travel still unsafe
After the Mumbai attack, train travel changed for good. Nothing feels safe anymore...
Eid in Mumbai: A celebration of tolerance
What’s great about Eid in Mumbai is people coming together irrespective of their religious backgrounds.
Chhote Ustaad, Bigg Boss and reality of Indo-Pak relations
Can a Pakistani cross-dresser and model impact relations with India by appearing on a sleaze-fest reality tv show?
Aisha: Beauty without brains
Welcome to the life of the high flying rich young Delhi chicks that are sweet, svelte and stylish. The film completely dazzles with its style quotient.
Monsoon magic in Mumbai
The city looks the best during this season. The skyline changes from crimson to blue to grey. I pop spicy pani puris which make me cry or chana chor garam on the road.