I want our authorities to adopt a a strategy that is doing wonders for students in India.
With the latest defection of PTI-N, is Imran Khan's party starting to crumble already?
As the organised structure of the military crumbles, the whole country’s fate is at stake.
Public sentiment has nothing to do with democracy. Leaders are just telling us what we want to hear.
Devolution would be tantamount to the demise of the HEC, and that is the last thing Pakistan needs.
Ever seen a Punjabi wearing a Sindhi topi, speaking Pushto and eating Balochi sajji?
A movement from the liberals was inevitable – all it needed was fuel. Salmaan Taseer's murder has provided that.
Sharif or even Kayani could have ripped apart the coalition by now - but this is not a good time to rule Pakistan.
The concept of standing in line is missing in Pakistan; it represents unruly, misguided and animal-like behaviour.
Agha Hasan Abedi was a visionary Pakistani - it is a shame that we have let our youth forget him.