Blogs from Umair Rasheed
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Baba Jan’s detention may be lawful but it is not right
Baba Jan's crime is agitation against the police for killings of a man and his son at a demonstration in August 2011.
Punjab’s dislike for polls on party lines
Why should the PML-N government prevent political parties from organising themselves at the grassroots?
A ‘Russian spy’ in Lahore — not quite
That a foreigner walking alone cannot be taken by the police as anyone but a spy says a lot about our xenophobia.
Pakistan Railways and class
The Railways’ predicament, like that of the entire Pakistan, concerns lack of ideas and self-interested policies.
With or without Bin Laden
Political participation and education may be of greater value than just ridding the world of Bin Laden.
Protesting peasants don't make good TV
Thousands of farmers have been protesting for a while, but do we care? Time is running out.
Nationalising culture: A broader perspective
Pakistani culture is a hodgepodge of several different sets. It cannot be confined to territorial borders.
Secular or theocratic: State needs to deliver
Would you call those who form the Pakistani state "true Muslims"? I wouldn't.
In defence of the Baloch sardar
The urban elite stand shoulder to shoulder with the sardar when it comes to their track record on human rights.
Slumdogs in Pakistan: A new social contract
The presence of squatter settlements signifies a disconnect between the state and the people. Pakistan urgently needs to provide a new social contract to them.