Do you cry on cue? Can you squeeze out the tears? What if you simply don’t feel like it?
The liberals are using Malala as their poster child and the conservatives, drone strike victims. Why?
World Hijab Day was declared by Jamaat-i-Islami to 'counter the infidels’ conspiracies against the Islamic...
The government can hardly expect ads to make people care more about bomb blasts.
Getting home at 10.30 pm was not part of my plan for the day but even traffic jams have their advantages.
As long as the void in the justice system exists, jirgas will continue giving barbarous verdicts against women.
If nothing else, punishing culprits of the Gojra massacre may prevent the flight of many more minority members.
The burqa ban by equating liberalism with the way one dresses rather than with a tolerant, accepting, inquisitive frame of mind, does liberalism a great disservice.
Development economics teaches us that women subsidise the economic activities of men.