Stories from Dr Muhammad Babar Chohan
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Unbalanced institutional power and economic growth
Noble Prize winner Professor Darron Acemoglu underlined importance of state institutions in fostering economic growth.
IoT-based smart cities: the case of Lahore
The three parameters have been termed as 'deep determinants of economic growth' in the literature.
Building economic resilience in Pakistani cities
Pakistan must shift focus from land investments to knowledge-based services for sustainable growth.
Rethinking vertical expansion of Islamabad
Cities act as engines of economic growth in which right usage of urban spaces play role of fuel running the engine
Promoting the economy of scenes: case of river Ravi
Pakistani, Indian Punjabs joined hands together to create awareness about issues faced by five rivers
De novo push for BRI: rethinking growth prospects for Pakistan
Pakistan should rethink and re-evaluate its economic growth policy approach towards BRI in general and CPEC
Is Pakistan becoming an extractive state?
Monopolistic approach in policy and planning needs to be discouraged
Shaping humanitarian and ethical governance in Pakistan
There is no denying the fact that institutions are long run determinants of economic growth in a country
Mind under threat
A basic question is how to use and optimise the advantages of Pakistan’s oral tradition in augmenting economic growth
Restoring business trust
In developing countries like Pakistan, culture could play a vital role in kick-starting new business ventures