Stories from Sami Shah

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  • Chaos with a chewy centre

    Ten years from now, we will still be talking about Pakistan on the brink of collapse and things falling apart.

  • Fear itself

    We are looking at the wrong horrors. There is terror to be found in the bullet smashed corpse of the Governor.

  • The year to offend

    10 things I hate about fat people: Pick on the angular all you want, but have pity on the bloated.

  • Broken filters

    It’s the things they don’t say that fright­en me the most. What was Sharmila Farooqi thinking?

  • Paranoid uncles are right

    Either Uncle Munir is the world’s luckiest paranoid or he has an inside line on the great Global Conspiracy.

  • Plugging the leak

    Julian Assange’s most marked legacy is that he almost, quite nearly, made me like President Zardari.

  • Sympathy for the bedevilled

    Too long have the politicians suffered our cynicism, our loathing and our justified venom.

  • Corrupted corruption

    I am gripped by outrage. Even more so, I am deeply insulted. As should you be, by the way.

  • Guilty innocents

    You may scoff at the sheer improbability of this posit, but it makes more sense than the governmental stance.

  • Me and mine

    I want to be trapped in a mine in Chile, left alone for two months with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company.