Stories from Maheen A Rashdi
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Nuancing Musharraf’s divisive legacy
General Musharraf may now be known for his strong stance on national security & his role in military operations.
If the Bosporus could talk
A popular destination for Pakistanis, more so because of the culture made famous by its entertainment industry
Abusive, not amusing!
Why it acceptable to depict repeated abuse of women by men and to glamorise their menacing conduct?
A reason to clean up our house
If the Charter Values is passed in Quebec, the Canadian multicultural experiment will suffer its worst setback.
The greatest son of the South
Before the invasion on Iraq, Mandela's vehement stance against war must still sting America.
Intellectual anarchists
When news reports turn into story-telling of the dirty kind, journalism loses its integrity and turns into voyeurism.
The luxury of a dream
It took US nearly 200 years to acknowledge its second major populace to be equal citizens.
We have forgotten our country’s plus points
We have forgotten how to champion our successes; we are drowning in a sea of notoriety publicised by ourselves.
The stuff that leaders are made of
It was obvious that Malala was born for greater things and destined to mark her footsteps in history.
The inequities of disasters
The intensity of a disaster and its newsworthiness is determined in newsrooms it seems.