Stories from Zubair Choudhry
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The economic cost of corruption
An anti-corruption strategy has not produced significant results so far.
Unemployment and the PM’s youth programme
Transparency in loan scheme to benefit poor unemployed youth.
Energy giant: Bid to privatise OGDC raises questions
There seems to be no credible argument for selling a highly profitable company.
IP pipeline a cheaper energy source
Any further delay in the completion of IP pipeline may aggravate the energy situation.
Local bodies: The way forward for economic development
Effective LG system with financial autonomy can lead to prosperity.
Analysis: Why pro-poor strategies have failed
Trillions spent to improve the lot of the poor have not borne fruit.
Political economy: The economy of 100 days
Why governments still set ambitious deadlines.
In our own backyard: The contribution of remittances
How the govt can use its biggest source of untapped funds.
Subsidies: Unjust increase in electricity tariffs for agriculture sector
The fallout of IMF loan conditions and how they will affect local farmers.
Social and financial cost of a prolonged war
Nations engaged in conflict for long periods lose growth momentum.