Stories from Haris Seyal
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Trolley-ology: Games supermarkets play
Trolley psychology reveals the tactics supermarkets use to make customers spend more.
Suicide by sitting
Studies show that people who sit for long periods have an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Busy life: The multi-tasking epidemic
Have you noticed people looking here and there while you speak to them?
The big deal with green tea
There is a hype-train going around by the name of green tea and you might want to buy a ticket.
The reason fruits and vegetables make you beautiful
Human beings have a super power and it’s called carotenoid ornamentation.
Because novel readers are more socially intelligent
Narrative-fiction develops theory of mind.
‘If money isn’t making you happy, then you probably aren’t spending it right’
Money can be a very powerful tool in allowing one to be happy.
The marvellous Indian toilet
Bathroom posture affects your health.
Real men take naps
Snoozing in the afternoon increases productivity.
The problem with barbeque and char-grilled meat
Charred meat increases the likelihood of causing various forms of cancer.