Progress has been slow and unable to keep pace even by South Asian standards
Volatile politics have to be stabilised and the culture of hate and populism should be discouraged.
Building a self-sustaining and dynamic economy, however, is no easy challenge
President Biden and his predecessors found Pakistan a convenient scapegoat for their policy failures in Afghanistan
Muslim countries must pursue policies that demand curbing their long-term economic and political ambitions
It is important to look at major global, regional events and trends that will influence politics and economy
By taking corrective measures and building a consensus, the ability to overcome challenges lies within our grasp
We need a type of governance that is far more people-oriented, not one that is mostly serving the elite
Being on the receiving end of the backlash of global warming places a developing country in a precarious position
India cannot ignore that it has forcibly occupied Kashmir, but the balance of power and global politics favour it