Stories from Nadeem Chaudhry
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Nawaz wants India to play cricket in Pakistan
Sees SCO summit as a chance to reset India-Pakistan ties
Nawaz may depart on London trip
Punjab CM Maryam likely to accompany her father
Nawaz likely to visit London next month
Former PM to stay in UK’s capital for 2-3 weeks
Nawaz asserts authority as PML-N president
Ex-premier tells PM Shehbaz to call budget meeting today
Independents demand share in Punjab cabinet
PML-N flooded with recommendations for key portfolios
How much closer is Nawaz to premiership?
PML-N worries delay in acquittal may doom ex-PM
How much closer is Nawaz to premiership?
PML-N worries delay in acquittal may doom ex-PM
Nawaz Sharif adjusts Balochistan visit
Heads to province today; Shehbaz to accompany PML-N supremo
PML-N doesn’t rule out contact with PTI
Establishes a committee to foster outreach to all contenders for upcoming elections