Stories from Sarwar Bari
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Underlying causes of ever deepening polarisation
Today’s deepening polarisation is clearly a result of unresolved contradiction(s)
The important role of election commission
The ECP appears siding with the government instead of acting according to the law
Slaughter of an election
The next step is to investigate the nature and severity of the illness
Politics and impact of flood compensation packages
The so-called comprehensive compensation packages carry everything that is worst and miss everything that is good
Flood compensation package to further inequalities, vulnerabilities
There appears to be no intention to involve community participation in designing, planning and implementation
Let the ballot determine
On Oct 16 Pakistan experienced a wonder that has never happened in the electoral history of the country
Remembering 2005 earthquake amid the 2022 floods
No wonder our disaster management remains as poor as it was in 2005 or 1992
Crookedness of electoral system
In April more than 130 PTI MPs had resigned from NA but five months later, only 11 resignations have been accepted
It’s not the flooding only, stupid!
Humans have failed to live with the understanding of nature
Titbits of elections
Absurdity of Pakistan’s democracy has been exposed by the so-called of champions of democracy themselves