Stories from Faiza S Khan
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Hisss: Snakes and ladders
Hisss doesn’t remotely resemble the naag films that preceded it; it resembles nothing on this earth.
Piranha 3D: Still waters
The film's premise is pure delight: a small town hosts spring break, with college-goers undressing, over-drinking...
Death of a sitcom
Cougar Town attempts to cash in on what popular culture has deemed the latest dating ‘’trend’’.
A Nightmare on Elm Street: Sleeping sickness
A Nightmare on Elm Street offers a host of scenarios blurring the lines between reality and dream.
Machete: Cuts both ways
Machete was born of popular demand, as an in-joke, and retains the playfulness that this sort of genesis dictates.
10 things I hate about Amitabh Bachchan
What he did in and to 80s cinema. With Deewar in the mid-70s, the Angry Young Man was born.
Remembering a classic
It is the horror film that with the release of Psycho, received a template it has followed to this day.