Stories from Durr E Shahwar Siddiqui
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Prevention is better than cure
As soon as a disease or an epidemic surges in Pakistan, its curative agent either becomes unavailable or unaffordable
Pink Eye in Karachi amid pharma mess
Reasons for hike in these cases seem to be poor sanitation, weather conditions, lack of precautionary measures
A polio-free Pakistan
Intense resistance to polio immunisation due to myths, low-literacy as well as social, cultural and political hurdles
Pharmaceutical downfall
The healthcare budget must always be flexible enough to cope up with such untoward happenings
The point of care
It is important to make adjustments to medications and therapies to avoid side effects and treatment failures
Child sexual abuse: impact on health and society
Child labour is considered to be a major factor giving rise to child abuse in Pakistan
Need for breast cancer awareness
In Asia, Pakistan carries the highest rate of breast cancer mortality and morbidity
Preventing dengue
Severe dengue virus infection is a medical emergency that generally requires hospitalisation
High-cost flu shot
The Government of Pakistan must include influenza vaccine in the EPI
Humanity havoc
According to the WHO, two billion people are deprived of access to basic medicines globally