Blogs from Meraj Hasan
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What does Jinnah’s letter to Nawab Ismail reveal about his intentions for Pakistan?
To simply conclude from Jinnah’s letter to Ismail that a Pakistan within India was his real plan, is erroneous
Jinnah, Palestine and Israel
Jinnah wrote to President Truman in December to desist from partitioning Palestine
How the Muslim League won separate electorates from the British
Interestingly, the Muslim demand for separate electorates is called undemocratic by some authors
Blacks and Dalits: An appraisal of Gandhi’s most controversial views
Justice for Dalits cannot happen until history is set straight
Can the Indus Delta be saved by the construction of Diamer-Bhasha dam?
It is argued that the dam will further damage the delta and its ecology, harming the lives of those who live there
Was Pakistan always destined to become an Islamic republic? – Part 2
Islam's role in the creation of Pakistan cannot be ignored nor that Muslims inhabiting it were largely conservative
Was Pakistan always destined to become an Islamic republic? - Part 1
After partition, Islamists began demanding the Islamic state that they believed Jinnah had promised
Why is the world embracing right wing politics?
It must be noted that the anger at immigrants and fear of cultural dilution is not found in the far-right alone
Communism's love-hate relationship with Pakistan
The communists did not support the separatist theory of dividing India into two nations on the basis of religion