Blogs from Iman Sultan
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How Bill Cosby went from “America’s Dad” to #MeToo’s first victory
Living in a world where the man who made your life a living hell is honoured with fame and fortune is not a just world
Yes, what Aziz Ansari did was wrong, but is it #MeToo?
This further damages the credibility of #MeToo, since it was a consensual encounter, and why did she remain anonymous?
Nabra Hassanen’s murder doesn’t come out of nowhere; it is embedded into the structure of American society
Until 2012, Navy SEALs used images of hijab-clad Muslim women for target practice.
Why do students in American high schools resort to humiliating Muslims and people who aren’t white?
The irony of a student winning a campaign built on racism isn’t lost. After all, Trump was elected the same way.
Barack Obama’s legacy is not of change, or even of hope
While he became an icon by being the first black president of the United States, he failed to unite a broken country.
Is America just a glorified third world country?
I knew how to smile at white people and nod as if everything was normal, because that was what they expected of us.