Stories from Pervez Hoodbhoy
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Why they killed Arif Shahid
Arif Shahid’s son, has been threatened with dire consequences if he attempts to place the blame on any agency.
Banning a textbook — the Punjab government panics
The new Urdu reader represented an attempt to remove blinkers forced on students by General Zia's education fantasia.
On choosing Popes and Caliphs
Had a procedure for choosing successor to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) been prescribed, history would have been different.
Killing without passion, war without valour
The declaration of war against India was a young boy’s dream come true.
Women on motorbikes — what’s the problem?
Putting limits on the woman’s freedom to travel was invented by men to preserve their power.
Shahbag Square — why we Pakistanis don’t know and don’t care
Having seen only grotesque caricatures of history, it is impossible for Pakistan's youth to understand 1971.
Why Sir Syed loses and Allama Iqbal wins in Pakistan
Iqbal said what people wanted to hear — and his genius lay in crafting it with beautifully chosen words.
Culture, Corruption and the Hereafter
Corruption is a symptom of some social disease, but there are very many different kinds of such diseases.
Why Maulana Qadri and Cricketer Khan can’t save Pakistan
Pakistan's restless young are out on the streets demanding change, but they must not become pawns of fake messiahs.
Negotiate with the TTP?
The notion in army circles that Pakistan’s civil war is transient, is delusional — this war will be long and...