The restaurant, named Lanterns, has since apologised and suspended a manager involved in the incident
Lawyer Sarah Asmeta is banned by her local Bar Council from representing clients in the courtroom
Model feels it is not only racist and Islamophobic but also misogynistic.
Karnataka High Court blocked last week students from wearing religious garments until final ruling announced
Hijab bans 'violate religious freedom', says US official
Please do not spread it to larger levels… we know what is happening, says CJ Ramana
'Before this, there was no Hindu/Muslim between us, but now everything has become different'
Muskan Khan vows to keep fighting for her right to wear the hijab in Hindutva-dominated India
Stand-off in Karnataka state has galvanised fears among the Muslim community
Decision comes after Hindu students take out protest, wearing saffron shawls, against allowing to wear hijab