The shooting incident took place on Eid day (Monday) when unidentified gunmen opened fire on a clinic killing three members of the Hindu community including a doctor and two businessmen and injuring two others, police said.
(Read: Three Hindu doctors gunned down on Eid, Sindh observes mourning)
The dead were identified as Dr Ajit Kumar while the two businessmen were identified as Naresh Kumar and Ashok Kumar. The doctor and the businessmen were friends. Meanwhile, another doctor Satahpal, who had sustained a gunshot wound has been shifted to Karachi.
The final rites of the dead took place on Tuesday at the Sathu Bela temple near Sukkur. Members of Hindu community alleged that police had been patronising the criminals.
The Hindu community in Shikarpur had been in conflict with the Muslim Bhayo community over an alleged case of sexual assault. The Muslim community alleged that three members of the Hindu community had sexually assaulted a girl from their community a few weeks ago and the Muslim community wanted to exact revenge.
The two communities had been locked in talks seeking a compromise. The three boys from the Hindu community were arrested after a police raid found them together with a hired dancing girl. Before a resolution could be reached, gunmen fired upon and killed a Hindu doctor and two businessmen, relatives to the arrested Hindu men.
Dr Pardeep, a relative of the victims, told The Express Tribune that people belonging to the Bhayo community used to extort the Hindu community passing around “chits” to the Hindu families in the Chak town with demands inscribed. While the extortion sum had been paid on numerous occasions, the community had stopped giving the sum for the past few months. “They would ask us to either pay the money or face consequences,” Dr Pradeep added.
“It was a high profile case (the arrests) and people of Bhayo community were seeking revenge from the Hindus,” Pitanbar Sewani, an elected representative of the Hindu community belonging to Sukkur district said. Hindu community alleged that despite numerous requests, the Police had failed to provide them with adequate protection, “we have asked the police for protection many times, but DPO Shikarpur did not listen to us,” he said.
With regards to the case and charges of sexual assault on those arrested, Sewani said that there was no medical report that proved rape had taken place, “we tried our best for a compromise to be reached and avert any bloodshed, however people of the Bhayo community refused and said they will take revenge,” he said.
The case has gained significance with ministers and MNA being sent to look into the matter with apparently direct orders from President Zardari himself. Pakistan Peoples Party MNA Ramesh Lal and Sindh Minister for Minority Affairs Dr Mohan Lal Kohistani attended the final rites of the deceased. Afterwards, while speaking to the media, they said that they had arrived on the directives of President Zardari and assured the Hindu community that the culprits would be arrested soon.
Talking to The Express Tribune DIG Larkana Saen Rakhio Mirani said that they had arrested 13 suspects. “The relatives of deceased have not lodged a case. Once a case is lodged we will arrest the culprits irrespective of what their influence is,” he said.
Meanwhile, various nationalist parties in Sindh have demanded the arrest of the gunmen within 72 hours, following which they will announce a province wide strike.
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@ Hussain R
what are u talking about?! you are talking about corruption and i am talking about the state of minorities, Imran Khan himself wants Paksitan to remain an islamic country, so as long as Pakistan remains islamic, there is no space for freethinkers or freedom for minorities.. So neither Imran Khan or PTI or the educated Pakistanis cant bring change to Pakistan when it comes to freedom for minorities!
The mindset of the majority of Pakistani muslims should also change! They should stop thinking that islam is superior to other religions and muslims are always greater than non-muslims. They should accept there are many paksitanis from every walk of life, liberals.atheist.gays/lesbians/christians/hindus/ahmadis..
It is really sad that these things are happening. There is no excuse for killing anyone, whatever their beliefs may be. Such acts should not only be condemned in the strongest words but our deeds should also reflect positive thoughts.
I remember the times when all citizens including minorities would live together happily, taking part in each others' festivals. I think this is also due to the over 3000 CIA agents roaming around in our country trying to foment sectarian as well as inter religious trouble. I wish we could get rid of the US, embassy, World bank et all.
@Kung: What makes you think you created Pakistan? It was our strategy to rid ourselves of the ungovernable lot on our East/West borders. That strategy has proven itself well as both Pakistan & Bangladesh have been stuck in a deep morass for the past 60 years whereas India has become the world 4th largest economy
How about if we were asked what is your religion , we may say the same what you have LOVE ! ? , I am sure you have the same isn't .
We should spend more money on teaching on love , harmony and peace, than ARMS. reduce arms race to almost zero, and abolish all the borders. if we do talk about it, than now time has come to follow it. First Let's find our own faults and correct them, stop putting fingers on others.
@Uday: Agree with you Uday. Dont take me wrong. Whatever happened is absolute pathetic and fatal. Pray God, this doesnt happen to anybody. My only point was we the Indians need to take balanced approach to this. Just because they are Hindus, we shouldnt start crying on the roof top. This is what exactly Pakistnis did about Gujarat saying our muslim brothers. Lets clearly have demarcation of those boundaries.
@Anwar: The most important aspect is the education. Education will uproot all sorts of evils. The current happening has been hated by all which speaks volume as far as majority opinion is concerned. Pakistanis , as whole, are peace loving nation. We must all should work for the progression of peace, tolerance and acceptance of all without race, culture, religion biases. Nonetheless, I feel education is the only solution to the problem being faced by otherwise such a beautiful country.
The more we condemn such incidents, less it is. The most unfortunate happening which is totally undesirable. However, it is the act committed by few individuals, cannot be termed as the thinking of majority. Pakistan as a whole is very peace loving country with accommodating spirit. We should keep on following the path of education with more zeal and enthusiasm because education is the tool which will uproot such extremist approach.Intolerance should not be accepted and tolerated. Long term educational strategy with follow up practical actionsis the demand of future generations.
Now case has been lodged. one should wait, look and monitor the sincerity of this democratic PPP led government to resolve the matter. After that these nationalists and others should turn up and talk on the issue. To my best information a few real culprits have also been arrested by police. We all have to obey wait and see policy. Let the state to play its role
@PAKISTAN HINDU SEVA: I doubt there is any difference between minoity religion or majority religion, this type of attcks canbe foced on any person of any religion. There are only and only minor or major, a good & an evil, this the time for all pakistan nationalists is 'good' is minor in pakistan or not. And if not the major 'good' needs to overcome on minor 'evil'. Afterall good is powerful than evil.
There should be a Citizen Charter who can monitor police and law. Citizens can pressurise these systems for their effectiveness. And the main is of media, they also need to keep pressure for good governence. Then only you can see progressive pakistan.
@Wally walter: Perfectly said Walter; so lets keep it this way. You agree? Ok here goes nothing: Godhra happened in Gujarat (INDIA!!) so why do Pakistani's keep harping over that then? Gojra happened in PAKISTAN - I dont see Indians nor the Vatican or Christian Evangelists trolling and make that an excuse for Ghazwa - e - Pakistan?
@Kung: I have an Rx prescription you: Patient is suffering from acute depression and schizophernia. Recommend twice daily two tabs of "Anti- Hate". Needs utmost love and affection. Get Well Soon! :-)
Pakistan’s educational system fuels religious discrimination: Report ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I quote from today's ET:
"Schools in Pakistan are using textbooks that preach intolerance towards non-Muslim religious minorities, according to a report published by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The report also states that most teachers view non-Muslims as “enemies of Islam”.
“Teaching discrimination increases the likelihood that violent religious extremism in Pakistan will continue to grow, weakening religious freedom, national and regional stability, and global security,” Leonard Leo, the chairman of the USCIRF told the Associated Press."
I hope that answers many questions being raised here.
I also salute the Editors for cleverly juxtaposing news so as to guide readers!
one should only not blam religious intollerance here in pakistan. how about India where muslims are being burnt alive and they even have no right to get properties.
there is nothing new as same situation pervails every where.
@Kung: dear kung it is not good excuse that if india is not good country then pakistan will also not be good country .in india muslims are adequately represented in parliament depending upon their population .believe me india is the only country in world where goverment provide the more facilities to minorities than majority . please see this link to check the representation of muslims in india http://www.nidur.info/In-English/India-News/706-Muslim-MP-in-Lok-Sabha
we should not mention the word "minority" for Sindhi Hindus. These are sindhi and are in majority in Sindh. But conspiracy is being hatched by some extremist groups to pressurize them to leave their land, which gives lesson of Sufism. Let us join hands against religious intolerance.
Ansari, Hyderabad
where are the mullah-brigades now;is this not a crime that muslims should fight against?
@ Manoj
There is absolutely no doubt that the offense was flagitious in nature, and the perpetrators of this heinous crime must be punished to the fullest extent of the law, however the extreme caution must be taken and powers of reasoning and judgment must be utilized before generalizing the entire nation and blemishing its system either in full or in part.
@Raja Islam: Read carefully please, and dont comment on something you dont even know about. I didnt bring India into this conversation...India came itself...I was replying to Manoj in case you didnt already know. I really couldn't care less about what goes on in India...but if you are going to tell me what my religion teaches me and comment on why certain things happen in Pakistan...of course I will remind you a little about how India is doing.
@rehmat: Without going into your quoted population percentage which is highly misleading, I must tell you that Hindu community in Pakistan has never faced any discrimination. In the recent past we have had a Hindu as the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Pakistan's public service commission which selects Officers for all the civil services is headed by a Hindu. The most wealthy and educated families in Sind include a large number of Hindu and Parsi families. In spite of the fact that the recent incident is the first ever incident of terrorism in which Hindus have been targeted yet the the enemies of Pakistan, without even wasting a moment have unleashed anti Pakistan propaganda
This is a very sad incident and has added to the fear and threats faced by the non-mulsims communities in Pakistan. Pakistan is a multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-linguistic society and its recognition must be respected and all citizens should be protected without any discrimination. But noone takes these kinds of incidents serious and therefore they go unheard practically. Merely the lip service is of no benefit, unless the statements of the "Responsible" are not translated into any concrete action.
Every day we have a trickle of Pakistani Hindus coming to India and wanting to stay back and take Indian citizenship. I hope the Indian Govt accomodates all remaining Pakistani Hindus & Buddhists in India and gives them a chance to begin their life anew with dignity , without fear of blasphemy laws and forceful conversion to Islam. 4 to 5 Million more people arent a burden on our country. I have always maintained a Pakistani Hindu is an oxymoron.
@Kung, you seem to be living in some kind of dream world. Do you know anything about Muslims in India. Yes, they are 16% in India and which blind and deaf maulvi told that they are not in parliament??? They are in Parliament as well as in all state assemblies...and in huge numbers...to type it here, it is only fingers you have to move, but to know, you have to use your brins and understand fact. Go and learn something before vomitting words here.
Sad incident beyond any shadow of doubt, however in this area, ethnic affiliations are much more than religious affiliations. Both sides are trying to cover their immoral acts by exploiting the namr of religion. Is rape or mujra allowed in Hindu religion or murder in Islam, irrespective of sect????? Just reminded me of similar incident in Sialkot, when a boy jumped into the house of one ahmadi girl (ofcourse with her will) got caught and his parents took the shoulder of islam that same is conspiracy against muslim community. Please keep religion out of this personal gains
God when will this madness end? Really sorry for the losses. I suggest all Hindus in the area to take stance and don't back down or these goons will get inside your home and do whatever they feel.
@Afsos: We think alike. This the contorted, DISTORTED and twisted and self-interest concerned version of the illiterate and ignorant VILLAGE MOLVI. The molvi is the source of all the problems in Pakistan.
With hindsight. Why were they allowed to migrate to Pakistan? With their impervious minds, decrepit in truth, how on earth have they managed to sway the local populace to buttress their opinions? Because of a lack of education. Salams to bereaved Pakistan
Where i condemn such an attack. I dont understand why it is being taken as attack on minority.
Its the illiteracy we need to tackle so that such events do not occur in future. Hindus are free community in Pakistan and has same rights as the majority,
Deepak Perwani is one of prime examples of hindu community.
Where is the Chief Justice now. Why no suo moto for these cases of extortion and kidnapping of minorities.
@Kung: Did you know two of India's past President's were Muslim? We have had many Union Cabinet Ministers who were Muslims. There are many Muslims in Indian Parliament and also in the Indian Ministry. Read Indian papers and then write such drivel. Go educate yourself you idiot.
@Kung: This an idiotic argument. What India has to do with this case. Presumably there is law in Pakistan why cannot people wait for the law to take its course rather than take matters into their own hands. Also the sooner illiterate Pakistanis such as yourself and idiot Mulaahs forget about India and concentrate on the ills facing Pakistan we all will be better off.
Unacceptable. n any case why are neighbors interfering in our matters? If some Pakistani comments about India, all Indians get a seizure............
Pakistan harbors not only terrorist snakes ( a la Mrs Clinton) but also communal snakes.
Sad but true!
"The case has gained significance with ministers and MNA being sent to look into the matter with apparently direct orders from President Zardari himself. " :) :) :)
@Noon Meem: "@ Editor: What does “Eid Murder” exactly mean? Must you always present anything Muslim/Islamic sounding with negative connotations?"
Eid murders mean murders coinciding with Eid...just like murders coinciding with Diwali would be called Diwali Murders.
I find your accusations at the Editors completely unjustified. Are they supposed to cover the murder of a minority community by criminals in a positive light?
Situation A "he three boys from the Hindu community were arrested after a police raid found them together with a hired dancing girl"
Situation B “The relatives of deceased have not lodged a case. Once a case is lodged we will arrest the culprits irrespective of what their influence is,” he said.
How wonderfully proactive in Situation A and how woefully inadequate in Situation B.
"The three boys from the Hindu community were arrested after a police raid found them together with a hired dancing girl"
Is that a crime in Pakistan? under which statute of law?
@Amna: "THis is a serious cultural issue in Pakistan….lets not make it sound like it only happens when religious differences come in."
Completely disagree with you. ET ran stories that even in assistance towards flood victims the Hindus were discriminated against.And now bullets!
What does this have to do with religion? Seems like it is a community issue and the media seems to want to bring in a religion factor to spice it up.
everybody should have the samerights to live and enjoy pakistan. Hindus and other communities should get the justice which they deserve.
@PAKISTAN HINDU SEVAg: We should go ahead. talking notice is not the solution to this kind of brutally. People are tired of these notices being taken by authorities concern they want pragmatic action now.
@Kung: I am waiting for the day when both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan will be non Muslims. India has done it. It had a Muslim for President Abdul Kalam and a Sikh for Prime minister Manmohan Singh. Both Non Hindus.
Pakistan is not mature enough to do this.
political parties specially Sindhi nationalists should come forward to protect minorties in Sindh and mount pressure on government to arrest the cluprits involved in this high profile case.
Hope to see president's initiatives and further directives soon
@ all pakistani minorities(non-muslims/ahmadis/liberals/seculars/atheist/gays/lesbians)
plz leave Pakistan as soon as possible as this country has nothing to give you, muslims are enjoying freedom everywhere (atleast they have more rights in secular/islamic countries) than all non-muslims together in islamic countries..
as long as a country remains a theocracy, religious people will always look the world through their religious glasses, islam is a religion with a very small tolerance, so dont expect muslims will stand with the minorities..
@Kung: Really! Do you actually believe all this and are unaware of the facts or are you just making this up in reaction?
@Amna: Why do people like you start comparing everything to India. It is not about what others do. You should look within yourself to see what you do. Pakistan has a serious problem with the way it treats its minorities and that is a fact that cannot be denied. These kind of things do not happen in Sindh alone, but happen in all the provinces.
@Sultan Ahmed.: "Passing with the time,the story attributed to the murder incident being changed,the fact is that they committed heinous crime which created a audden provocation".
SO the relatives of these doctors supposedly called a Muslim girl to dance. You consider that a sudden provocation? Answer me 2 questions: - is it a crime in Pakistan to get a dancing girl to perform? - Is it a crime in Pakistan to be related to someoneone who invited a dancing girl to perform?
I am sure answer to both is No. If the doctors in question had been Muslims, this would have been a non-issue.
@An EHM: "“Love your religion but do not hate others.” I totally agree but you need to give this advice to your countrymen and government as well".
In the past 9 years there has not been a SINGLE INSTANCE of Hindu Muslim riots in India.
@ Editor: What does "Eid Murder" exactly mean?
Must you always present anything Muslim/Islamic sounding with negative connotations?
@kumar: you are absolutely right many have migrated to india and many have left for cities which in turn is not good for local area as well as remember all large businesses in rural communities are owned by business and when muslim doctors prefer to settle in large cities these are doctors from hindu community our brothers who serve local people despite being highly educated they prefer to live in their areas. these kinds of things would fall negatively on local populace we have seen these rural areas are getting worst day by day i being belonging there can see it clearly on my yearly visits there after migration shikarpur this very district has turned into tribal badlands although it was because many hindu landlords and influential businessman left and void was filled by tribalism and landlords. to our indian trolls in sindh hindus are backbone of our culuture and history and they can be distinctively recognized with their lastnames ending with wanis i,.e lalwani, shahani etc .
" Bhayoo community used to extort the Hindu community passing around “chits” to the Hindu families in the Chak town with demands inscribed." Is this a form of Jizya tax on non-Muslims? Taliban in Afghanistan had asked non-Muslim to wear a patch on their clothing to identify them as non-Muslims.The Arabic term jizya appears in verse Quran 9:29, but the Qur'an does not specify jizya as a tax per head.
Afghanistani refugee are supposed to leave Pakistan to prevent the spread of Polio. May be Hindu's are expected to leave Pakistan for the sake of preventing----.
Musharaff once regretted pak is only 98% muslim. someone here said 4 million hindus having problems in registering their marriages. so hindus are less than 1%. poltically negligible!
It is very unfortunate and tragic incident. It is one more attack against minorities group(religious/sect/ethnic etc). I agree with Mr. Junaid that it has nothing to do with religion and it is matter of extortion. Culprits/tribal gangsters know that people from Hindu community are the easiest target and if they tried to raise voice against it, they can easily twist it into religious matter. This is the biggest fear in Pakistan for minorities (Be Realistic: Hindus in Pakistan need to learn to live under this fear/discrimination otherwise leave Pakistan) otherwise we Pakistanis have same issues ranging from theft/snatching, ransom, extortion, bomb blasts, suicide attacks .................. target killing to corruption.
Already many Hindus from upper Sindh (Larkana, Shikarpur, Ghotki, Dehrki, Jacobabad etc) have migrated to India. I agree with Mr. Junaid that this incident is more highlighted because Hindus were targeted. I fear that this incident would accelerate the migration of qualified & experienced professionals, successful traders and industrialists Hindus.
@Kung: Off hand i can think of three ministers in the central govt Salman Kurshid, Saifudin Soz,&Ghulam Nabi Azad there maybe more. As far as MP,s are concerned there are so many of them please check your facts before making allegations. I however accept that minorities in India are not treated fairly and the situation needs to be rectified as is the case in Pakistan but let us not get into a slanging match as to in which country the treatment is worse as that is not going to help anyone.Let us mourn the dead.
@Kung: As long as there are delusional beings defending injustice and blaming others instead of correcting own shortcomings there is no hope. It is high time that this rhetoric of unity should be shelved, as the whole world knows how fragmented Pakistani socity is.
It is not extortion money, "we call it Jazya". Here is yet another glimpse in future Pakistan! Unles all secular forces join hands against the rightwing parties and their terrorist supporters we would continue to be the victims of such hate crimes. It is not just a matter of Hindues, nobody is a good Muslim for the terrorists unless you join them. Sad to say but Hindus are soft target of these hate crimes.
height of brutality! even if these families get justice (that i seriously doubt)..who is going to fill in the gap of their loved ones?! this is just sad!
We request to President of Pakistan, Chief Justice, Home Minister Sindh take serious notice and provide protection to all the minorities. Pakistan Hindu Seva condemn this brutal killing of minorities in Sindh.
this is unfortunate incident i belong that city although not living there. version of deceased family is right that part of sindh had become a tribal badlands. it has nothing to do with religion but money, the other community bhayas are known criminals and not just that comunity but others as well. if you think other muslims are safe there you are wrong issue had came to limelight because hinuds were targeted otherwise one two murders a week are common oocurance with many incidents of snatching on roads, dacoity etc. things are so bad despite me being from a influential community avoid traveling after sunset.
The Pakistani society, the mullahs, the government, the military establishment and all institutions such as the education department and police force have a very perverted attitude towards non-Muslims, ahmadi Muslims and non-heterosexuals!
A society which is ignorant of unconditional human and animal love, can never be a peaceful society!
Minorties should be protected wherever they are . Its not about one specific incident , if a minority feels insecure and alienated that is also an invisible crime and a state should do everything in its power to get faith restored in its law and law enforcement agencies. Also a small amendment in constitution should be accomodated allowing non muslims to be eligible for PM and President post. Since majority people are Muslims so hardly any situation will arise to get a non muslim elected as PM or President but at least allow them to be eligible. This would be the biggest Confidence building measure .
God Bless All !!!!
What has become of the country? No wonder people all over the world look down despicably on Pakistanis. When shall Pakistan become a truly secular nation and give prominent rights and privileges to all minorities?
Golden opportunity! Perfect time to start a REVOLUTION against extremism. Let the extremists drown in the tsunami of all the innocent blood they've shed-From Karachi all the way to Afghanistan. LET'S SEE WHICH LEADER/S HAVE THE GUTS TO SINCERELY DO SOMETHING! Not just condemn it. How about a tsunami for the innocent, IMRAN?
How sad is this? I believe that democracy is the best form of governance but I know people who believe that communism is better. Do I go around killing them? What is it about religion that makes people so violent? I'll never know. Can't we just agree to disagree? Bertrand Russell believed that religion is the bane of humanity. He may be right. We have a lot of evolving left to do.
@Kung: "Muslims form 16 % of India and yet there is no Muslim in ur parliament".
Where are you getting these facts from? Muslims have been President of India, (current Vice President of India is Muslim), COAS, Chief Justice of Supreme Court and have managed to reach the top in ever field (including those such as movies where public support is a must to succeed).
Today in India the Prime Minister is non-Hindu (Sikh) Vice President is non-Hindu (Muslim), Chief Justice of Supreme court is non-Hindu (PArsi), Home Minister to whom RAW reports is a non-Hindu (atheist), defence minister to whom COAS reports is a non-Hindu (Christian). And yes Scheduled caste people have been President of India, speaker of India, defence minister of India and the current chief minister of the largest stae in India is also scheduled cast. So in India these things are practices - not just on paper.
There were 12% Muslims in India in 1947 now it is 15%. SO India has not pushed Muslims out. There were 25% non-Muslims in Pakistan in 1947, now the number is 3.5%. This tells you how minorities are treated in Pakistan.
@Dunn Loring: You seem to be a trouble maker, encouraging people to resort to violence. That will never solve the problem. For maintenance of peace in the society, violence in any form and by any community should be condemned and curbed. If the state machinery has been able to sort out the chronic law and order problem of Karachi I am sure they will be able to apprehend these killers too. Early arrests followed by speedy trials and award of exemplary punishment to the perpetrators will help in curbing violence.
@An EHM: Yes dear friend, we are giving such advices and making protests against our government and any illegal, unlawful system. And we are on revolutionary verge and shall suceed increating one india, clean india, peaceful india. athis our goodwill wish that our neighbours also travel alongwith us. Humen to nafrat pe jeet hasil karni hai. Khuda hafiz...
This is a very sad occurrence. Our condolences go out to Hindu community. When weaker segments (minorities) are not protected in a nation, sooner or later stronger segments (majority) will have to face the music as well. This discrimination against minorities won't end until Pakistan's majority stands up for minorities.
@Ch Allah Daad: Muslims can not even protect themselves in this country despite being majority how can you expect us to be protected here. I hope this matter is raised in Parliament. And one more thing, I would like to say, despite such atrocities, we will not leave our motherland. It's just bad times for us Pakistani. Let's just hope for a better future, not only for non-muslims but also for each and every Pakistani.
Passing with the time,the story attributed to the murder incident being changed,the fact is that they committed heinous crime which created a audden provocation.
But I would like to comment here on that if they brought the responsible to the justice it was better,shouldn't take the law in hand.
"Love your religion but do not hate others." I totally agree but you need to give this advice to your countrymen and government as well.
Before partition, Hindus provided most of the doctors and teachers. We had all the opportunities but we preferred salah to education. We are pushing them out and making ourselves look bad. In spite of their low numbers, Ahmadis and Hindus contribute hugely to our society.
@Dunn Loring.First solve problems of India and get rid of the caste system due to which we created Pakistan and then comment on Pakistan. Muslims form 16 % of India and yet there is no Muslim in ur parliament. For your kind information there is no discrimination in Pakistan. The current President of Pakistan is a shia and a baloch. Chief Justice of Pakistan is a baloch. His predessor was a Hindu. As for pashtuns, 30% of our army and breacuracy is made up of our pashtun brothers. We the Pakistanis are united and no amount of propoganda from u will succeed in dividing us. This murder should be investigated and killers brought to justice.
Racism, victimization, murder...if the perpetrators thought they could do this with impunity, they must be taught a lesson and get max. punishment without delay, regardless of who they are. How brave the slain victims must have been to refuse the extortion, if such was the case! And shame on the police for not protecting them. Condolences to their families at this shocking crime.
Got any problems with minorities in Pakistan? Just allege that any of them insulted Islam or one of them had violated the modesty of a Muslim woman and the violent deed can be done.
And why did this murder occur on Eid? The alleged "rape" occurred a few weeks back.
All Pakistanis should condemn this act of terrorism. Even if the girl was raped, the killers did not have the right to take the law in their hands. It is a wake up call for Sind Government. All the murderers should be apprehended and brought to justice without any delay.
Terrorist doesnot need target based on religion. Being minor community, hindus maybe soft target, but remember if you can't control them, there will be a day on after thsese people will also kill hard targets also. Police needs to be strict, and enforce law in society. killing a doctor is a great loss to society.
I myself being Shia, a frequently victimized minority, yet we should not rise and fight against our own country rather protest on a massive scale to press the Govt to legislate tougher laws and then make sure those laws are implemented. Anyway, this is very sad what happened to Hindu community, very hard working and patriot Pakistanis.
This is only the result of rotten education system in Pak, which teaches the inocent children during their formative age that Islam is best and all other religion and thier follower deserves death. If a child feel proude by insulting staue and temples of Hindus, what better we can expect from the people grown up with such mindset.
Changing the education system will cure these problem not 100% but to some great extent. It will make pakistan more liberal, tolrent and will help attain the glory of past like Taxila.e
Love your religion but do not hate others.
This is the ugly face of Maulvis....this is not Islam of 1400 years ago...this is twisted Islam of today's maulvis.......I am deeply aggrieved at learning about this atrocity.......
Pakistani Hindu Brothers and Sisters. Please take this incident very seriously. Don't surrender like other communities, otherwise these terrorists will force you out of Sindh like Kashmiri Pundits.
Just look at the disgusting excuse! "Muslims allege victims relatives of Hindus who raped Muslim girl."
Its about time hindus, ahmadis, shias, balochis and pashtuns unite and fight the common enemy. time is come to rise and fight.