Operation Koh-e-Sufaid: Kayani visits Kurram to mark end of campaign

Lauds efforts of the troops and political administration in the area.

August 18, 2011
Operation Koh-e-Sufaid: Kayani visits Kurram to mark end of campaign


Following the successful completion of an army operation against a band of militants in the region, Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited the Kurram Agency on Thursday, according to a military press release.

Operation Koh-e-Sufaid had been launched to clear the area of militants whose fighting had increased the incidence of sectarian killings, kidnapping, and extortion in the agency, according to the military.

The militants had blocked the Tal-Parachinar highway, Kurram’s only connection to the outside world. It is unclear if the highway is operational at this stage.

With the military’s success, it is expected that the Murree Accord – a peace agreement to end four years of conflict between Kurram’s Sunnis and Shias – will be implemented. Gen Kayani also interacted with the troops at Mandan and Manato.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 19th, 2011.


Shafique Ahmed | 12 years ago | Reply

what a shameful operation it was i think it was joke of the year to conduct operation and then clean the area from militants. we want to know about the everyday abductions kidnappings and killings and what about the roads closed since 4 years and the Pak Army could not through pass the road.

Amjad | 12 years ago | Reply

Thank goodness the Pakistani military is crushing these anti state criminals working for the enemies of state. We need to block the border with Afghanistan with a fence so these the Indian agents and their Afghan lackeys can't get into our nation to attack innocent civilians.

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