Remittances cross $10b for first time in history

Expatriate workers send more than $1b for third consecutive month.

Express June 10, 2011
Remittances cross $10b for first time in history


The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has announced that remittances sent home by overseas Pakistani workers have crossed the $10 billion mark for the first time in the country’s history as the figure reached $10.1 billion in 11 months (July-May) of the current financial year.

The 11-month figure was $2.03 billion or 25 per cent more than $8.06 billion worth of remittances received in the same period of the previous year.

In May, overseas workers remitted over $1 billion, which was the third consecutive month that remittances crossed this mark. The country received $1.05 billion, $1.03 billion and $1.05 billion in March, April and May respectively.

Citing reasons for the sharp increase in remittances, analysts say that a crackdown on the illegal Hundi and Hawala money transfer systems, swift processing and transfer of money by the banking channel and incentives for overseas Pakistanis have encouraged them to utilise legal channels. The flow of charity money after last summer floods has also given a boost to the remittances this year, they say.

In the July-May period, remittances from Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, GCC countries (including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman), UK and EU countries were $2.38 billion, $2.33 billion, $1.86 billion, $1.18 billion, $1.09 billion and $320.93 million respectively. In comparison, remittances stood at $1.72 billion, $1.84 billion, $1.61 billion, $1.13 billion, $793.91 million and $229.74 million respectively in July-May 2009-10.

Remittances received from Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Japan and other countries during the 11 months amounted to $926.86 million against $740.96 million in the same period last year.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 11th, 2011.


rifaye (india ) | 13 years ago | Reply @ fighter : seriously, you need some lesson to understand economy of a nation. if remittance means a country economy is growing, this is just laughable. a country economy is judged by the domestic consumption of goods, production of goods, export value, import value, and foreign reserve. you could include these factors in almost all industry right from heavy industry, agriculture, petroleum, chemicals, semiconductors, IT, financials...and so on..... A developed nation like germany, japan, usa, develop new technology, invest hugely in R&D, and remain as a leader in development.. A growing nation like india, china, brazil, who adopt foreign technology and have its own domestic production, and over the period of time , spend hugesly on its R&D ,start developing its own technology.., when i say this, all these has to be consistent, and keep growing in real value and as well as % wise..while manage to keep the fiscal deficit under control, yet able to contribute the money earned back to society.. thats how a health economic power looks like.. now, answer me this question. what is pakistan contribution in the above mentioned parameters ?
Kasim | 13 years ago | Reply @Fighter: The following are the figures of 2010 in Billion $. India tops the list followed by China and Mexico. I am surprised to see Bangladesh at No. 5, ahead than us. Really Unbelievable. Even a small country Nigeria is marginally ahead of us. We need to device some new strategy on this. India - 53.1 China - 51.3 Mexico - 22.0 Philippines - 21.4 Bangladesh - 10.8 Nigeria - 10.0 Pakistan - 9.7 Lebanon - 8.4 Vietnam - 8.0 Egypt - 7.7 Refer the authentic link (Page 10) : EXTDECPROSPECTS/ Resources/476882-1157133580628/MigrationandDevelopmentBrief16.pdf
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