Stories from Sabina Khan
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Bloodshed in Vegas
However, as long as all politicians remain dependent on large donors for funds, don’t expect any real change
Return of Blackwater to Afghanistan?
The stubbornness of Mattis and McMaster is hopefully strong enough to fend off this greed fuelled proposal
Polluting the Paris agreement
Developing nations will now be even less inclined to curb their greenhouse gas production
The ISIS Nazi
Suppression or perceived injustices to a group causes them to form their own unit, essentially gangs
Salem witch trials of Pakistan
Any sane person witnessing these murders can’t help but wonder why Pakistan’s society is so bloodthirsty
Bombs and babies
The Syrian war has created three million refugees
The latest CIA leaks
In some ways the latest revelations are an alarming reminder of the price we pay for convenience
Forecasting More Trump
Democrats are taking for granted that Trump will not win a second term, just like they assumed Hillary could not lose
The Trump fiasco
His disastrous immigration policy was apparently rolled out without any real forethought or planning
Cold start, nukes and MAD
Cold Start Doctrine is a plan to deploy ground forces who could strike inside Pakistan quickly in event of a conflict