The Islamabad Police claimed to have arrested a suspected killer and a court offender during two different raids, said a police spokesperson on Wednesday. A team of the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) arrested a wanted killer, identified as Asif, who was at large after allegedly killing Zubair and injuring Syed Monis Raza after he opened fired on them on Ladhito Road on November 26, 2014. A murder case had been registered against him at the Lohi Bher Police Station. A special team headed by SP (Investigation) Muhammad Ilyas nabbed the killer from a hideout. Meanwhile, proclaimed offender (PO) Junaid alias Sajid, a resident of Sector G-6/2 who was involved in peddling drugs, was also apprehended by the Lohi Bher police. The police are investigating the case.
Published in The Express Tribune, November 26th, 2015.
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