According to BizAsia, the drama will be aired on Star Plus next month. This is the first time Star Plus will broadcast a Pakistani drama. Indian channels like Colors, Rishtey, ZEE TV (which launched Zindagi TV to exclusively air all Pakistani dramas) have already been airing our dramas because of their high demand across the border.
Upon hearing the news Maya Ali took to Twitter to express her excitement:
Read: India is in love with Pyaare Afzal
Mera Naam Yousaf Hai is a romantic drama loosely based on the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha by Jami in his book Haft Awrang. It features Maya Ali and Imran Abbas as the lead actors.
The story revolves around two people (Yousaf and Zulaikha) who meet on a train and fall in love. What follow are a turn of events which test the love of the couple -- Yusaf crosses all barriers to prove his worth to Zulaikha and her father when he finds out that he wishes to marry her off to his nephew, Imran.
The drama will surely be a hit in India considering the immense fan base it has gathered locally:
Immensely enjoyed the dialogues in #MeraNaamYousufHai. Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar should take a bow.
— Humeira♦️حمیراء (@humeiraajaz) August 7, 2015
lets talk about KRQ drama #meranaamyousufhai
— Rabiya🍁 (@rabiya_dahar) August 6, 2015
what a perfect drama What a perfect cast what a perfect Dialogues and what a perfect Ending
Obsessed with another OST from #MeraNaamYousufHai "Katra Hun Main, Dariya Hai Tu...." such beautiful lyrics.
— sidra. (@MeriKahanni) July 27, 2015
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