Eid moon sighted in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE

Oman says moon has not been sighted and will be celebrating Eid on Saturday

Web Desk July 16, 2015

The Eidul Fitr moon has been sighted in Saudi Arabia, along with Qatar and UAE on Thursday evening, Express News reported.

The religious festival will now be celebrated on July 17 in the Middle East.

According to initial reports, Muslims in UK, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan will celebrate Eidul Fitr on Friday, whereas, Oman, Iraq and Bangladesh will be doing so on Saturday.

The government controlled Dubai media office confirmed in a belated fashion that the UAE will be celebrating Eid on Friday. The announcement was made after Saudi Arabia confirmed sighting the moon, the Khaleej Times said.

In Pakistan, the central Ruet-e-Hilal committee is expected to convene on Friday evening to sight the moon.

There were, however, reports that Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzai in Peshawar had convened a meeting of local leaders to sight the moon on Thursday evening.


Milind | 9 years ago | Reply In this era of science & technology and atomic clocks, its easy to calculate the moonrise timings quite ahead of time. This is often done in Hinduism, where the rise & set timings of both the sun & moon (tied to rituals and breaking of fasts), are calculated for years in advance, while building the almanac. I fail to understand, why Muslims refuse to accept technology/modernity here, when they have accepted it in other areas (flying for Haj etc.)... This will further reduce the potential for further conflicts amongst egomaniac mullahs.
Syd | 9 years ago | Reply What a farce, they skipped a fast just to stick to their rhetoric. Six testimonies were received in a country of millions and when it was simply impossible to see the crescent through a reasonable telescope let alone naked eye. Those people might as well have witnessed a UFO it surely wasn't the moon. If Saudis want to rely on astronomical calculations they should say so, but claiming that they rely on actual testimonies and visibility is plain cheap and arrogant not to forget sinful.
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