First produced in the 1960s, the show has been rebooted twice, once during the mid-1980s and then in the late 1990s. Although the show only lasted for one season during its final run, mainly due to high animation costs, it’s still considered as one of the greatest earlier examples of animated action-adventures. Although it’s still unknown who will play the role of Jonny, his friend Hadji and father Race Bannon, Twitter has lit up with suggestions, with many saying Idris Elba should be cast as the tough-guy Race.
According to entertainment website Cinema Blend, this is not the first instance that Jonny Quest has been considered to be turned into a film. Earlier, Warner Bros had gained the rights to the Hanna-Barbera collection as part of their deal with Peter Segal. Zac Efron and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson were to reportedly star as Jonny and Race Bannon, respectively, but nothing materialised.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 28th, 2015.
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