Islam does not allow extremism or terrorism: Imam-e-Kaaba

Imam-e-Kaaba Sheikh Khalidul Ghamidi delivers sermon, leads Friday prayers at Bahria Town mosque in Lahore

Rana Tanveer April 24, 2015
Express News screengrab

LAHORE: Thousands, including women and children, gathered at Bahria Town mosque in Lahore as Imam-e-Kaaba Sheikh Khalidul Ghamidi led Friday prayers at the Grand Mosque.

Sheikh Ghamidi gave a sermon after leading the call for prayer (Azaan).

“Islam is a clear and open religion which teaches peace,” the Imam said in his sermon.

“Enemies are propagating against Islam." Further, he said, “Islam does not allow extremism or terrorism.”

“Islam cannot be imposed by force, the Prophet (PBUH) treated non-believers with respect and gave them their rights,” he said, urging Muslims to give minorities their rights.

Express News screengrab of Imam giving Friday's sermon

Before the Azaan, the Imam-e-Kaaba was introduced to the gathering.

“Sheikh Ghamidi hails from the family of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He is offering prayers and sermon in Kaaba for the past 8 years. He was born in Makkah and is a PhD doctor,” the announcement said.

The Imam-e-Kaaba was previously the Imam of Masjid-e-Quba and Masjid-e-Nabvi. He is also a professor at Jamiatul Qura in Saudi Arabia.

Strict security measures have been taken at the Grand Jamia Masjid. Bahria Town chairman Malik Riaz is also present at the mosque.

Imam-e-Kaaba arrived in Pakistan on Thursday on special invitation of the government and is scheduled to stay in the country for the next five to six days.

Read: Imam-e-Kaaba to visit Pakistan

Express News screengrab of worshippers at the Grand Mosque

A local news channel quoted highly-placed sources in the Saudi government as saying the Imam-e-Kaaba will visit the country to defuse tensions between the traditional allies, which developed following the Parliament’s resolution rejecting the Saudi request of personnel support in Yemen recently.

Express News screengrab of Malik Riaz at the Grand Mosque

The mosque is billed as being the seventh largest of its kind. The main hall of the mosque can accommodate 25,000 worshippers and it has a total capacity of 70,000. It has 21 domes and four 165 feet high minarets.

Express News screengrab of Grand Jamia Masjid


Raju Indian | 9 years ago | Reply Boss - where were you all these years - you should have been speaking louder and more often and from each and every street corner of the so called Muslim world - sadly there are enough of your own who will not believe you
dr. shafique | 9 years ago | Reply Too little, too late! Much of the world's violent terrorism has Saudi origin and has exploited Pakistan's stupid policy of using terrorism as a foreign policy tool which is utterly wrong and self-destructive, as we see it happening in our midst. When are we going to learn to separate state and religion? That's the best way forward. I will not be surprised if the recent euphoria over China's potential huge investment in Pakistan turns out to be an empty bubble and, if something does materialize, Pakistan will have to pay a heavy price for its asymmetrical dependence on China. The Saudis, following the Americans, are getting tired of just emptying their goody bags into a country that looks like a bottomless barrel.
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