1. Almonds:
These appetising nuts are chock-full of protein, fibre and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They’re also a good source of magnesium, a mineral your body must have in order to produce energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar. “A stable blood-sugar level helps prevent cravings that can lead to overeating and weight gain,” says Dr David Katz, a professor at the Yale University School of Medicine. But what makes almonds most appealing is their ability to block calories. Research proves that the composition of their cell walls helps reduce the absorption of all of their fat, making them an extra-lean nut.
2. Eggs:
Eggs are a perfect flat-ab food, highly appreciated by dieticians because of their balance of essential amino acids, protein building blocks used by your body to make up everything from muscle fibres to brain chemicals. Indulge in eggs daily to keep your hands off of chocolate. Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Centre found that when people ate eggs in the morning, they felt less hungry throughout the day than when breakfast consisted of complex carbohydrates, such as bread. “The protein and fat in the egg may be contributing to the feeling of satiety,” says lead researcher Dr Nikhil V Dhurandhar.
3. Yogurt:
Regular dahi has a superpower – it flattens the tummy fast. After you achieve the abs of your dreams, a bit of bloat can still leave you feeling swelled and puffed up around the mid-section. “The perfect time to grab yogurt is within 60 minutes of exercise,” says Keri Gans, a nutritionist in New York City. The protein provides the amino acids your muscles need to repair themselves and the carbs replace your muscles’ energy stores, which are depleted after a hard workout. One creamy cup, be it in the form of raita or plain dahi, encourages the growth of good bacteria in your gut, which eliminates other bugs that can cause bloating and water retention, says David Grotto, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods.
4. Chocolate milk:
Upgrade your post-workout meal to score a killer stomach. Research conducted at the American College of Sports Medicine in Seattle reported that athletes, who drank chocolate milk, had lower levels of muscle damage after four days of intense exercising than those, who consumed a sports drink. A glass of the decadent drink partners good carbs with healthy protein to promote lean muscle building in the ab region, Grotto says. Stir in two tablespoons of cocoa powder or syrup that has less than 20 grams of sugar in milk to reap the benefits.
5. Bell peppers:
Locally known as shimla mirch, bell peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin, which boosts the fat-burning rate in the body, thereby aiding weight loss and promoting that washboard stomach. In the recent Journal of Nutrition study, Dutch researchers asked 374 men about the foods they ate most frequently. They found that those, whose diets contained the most bell peppers, had the smallest waists and the least abdominal fat. Peppers are also packed with vitamin C, a nutrient needed for burning fat. The superfood has also been shown to bolster immunity and prevent cell damage.
6. Full fat cheese:
“The combination of protein and fat in regular, full-fat cheese is very satiating,” says Alan Aragon, a nutritionist in Westlake Village, California, and weight-loss coach for Men’s Health. “As a result, eating full-fat cheese holds your appetite at bay for hours, and I’ve found that it cuts down my clients’ food intake at subsequent meals.” Aragon’s advice: Enjoy snacks of full-fat cheese, especially if you’re on a diet or aiming for weight loss or even a six-pack. And no need to stress about cholesterol. Danish researchers found that even when men ate 10 ounces of full-fat cheese daily for three weeks, their LDL (bad) cholesterol didn’t shift and their HDL (good) cholesterol wasn’t affected either.
7. Peanut butter:
Calling peanut butter a flat-abs food, with 180 to 210 calories per serving, may sound counter-intuitive but, in fact, a yummy serving of the creamy topping contains bone-building magnesium, muscle-friendly potassium, and immunity-boosting vitamin B6. Brimming with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, a recent study found that adults who consumed peanut butter had less belly fat than people who ate more carbs or saturated fat. If you’re buying reduced-fat varieties, thinking it’s better for your abs, save your money. The calories are the same, or even higher – thanks to the extra sugar added to make up for the missing fat. Have a tablespoon of peanut butter daily with an apple or in a fruit smoothie.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 24th, 2015.
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