Ahmadi doctor gunned down in Mirpurkhas

Unidentified assailants stormed Mubashar Ahmad Khosa's clinic on Monday evening spraying him with bullets

Zeeshan Bhatti September 23, 2014
Ahmadi doctor gunned down in Mirpurkhas

HYDERABAD: An Ahmadi doctor was shot dead in Mirpurkhas district on Monday night.

The incident took place at Dr Mubashir Khoso’s clinic in Malhi colony.

According to Mehran police station's SHO Lutuf Ali Laghari, two suspects on a motorcycle attacked Khoso at his homeopathic clinic. The suspects escaped after shooting him dead.

Laghari said the slain doctor sustained three gunshots to his chest and died on the spot. The police also collected three bullet shells from the spot.

Khoso has been practicing in Mirpurkhas since the past 15 years. He was living with his family in the Satellite Town residential area. His body was shifted to Rubwa, near Faisalabad for burial.

The police have not yet lodged an FIR as they are awaiting the family's return and postmortem report. The SHO claimed the family has so far not named any specific suspect's involvement during initial investigation.

This is the second murder of an Ahmedi doctor in Mirpurkhas in the last six years.

In 2008, Dr Manan Siddiqi was shot dead. His killers are still at large.


truthbetold | 9 years ago | Reply

@Syed Ahmad:

"To save Jinnah’s Pakistan from mullahs, entire Madrassa infrastructure must be dismantled, religious parties banned, educational institutes liberalized and the country be declared secular. Nothing less than Kamal Attaturk strategy will work. Maududi’s vision is destroying the fabric of our nation."

No need to worry. Jinnah's Pakistan is alive and kicking. Didn't Jinnah sell the divisive ideology of "we are different from you" and so we can't live with you to the Muslims of India? why blame the mullahs and Maududi?

As for Ataturk, he didn't want Turkey to be an Islamic state. Pakistan has been created in the name of Islam and cast in stone as an Islamic state. This is a one-way street and can't be reversed.

Shabbir | 9 years ago | Reply

The name in which these Mullahs are carrying out such acts is the name of Islam, which the word itself means peace. This is not only killing innocent lives but is a dark spot on the image of Islam represented in front of the world. It is sad to see Pakistan turn into a place where religion is used to justify such horrendous acts while the government easily looks the other way and in most cases encourages it.

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