Ceasefire violated in Sialkot just a day after Pakistan, India hold meeting to defuse tensions

No reports of casualties as a result of the firing

Web Desk August 28, 2014
Ceasefire violated in Sialkot just a day after Pakistan, India hold meeting to defuse tensions

SIALKOT: India's Border Security Forces (BSF) began "unprovoked" firing in Sialkot's Bajwat sector just a day after India and Pakistan held a 45-minute long commander-level flag meeting to defuse the tension between both sides, Express News reported on Thursday.

This incident of firing, however, did not result in any casualties.

Firing from the Indian side stopped soon after Pakistan's Chenab Rangers retaliated strongly.

Prior to Wednesday's meeting, which took place between the commanders of the BSF and the Chenab Rangers, the Director General of Military Operations (DGMOs) of both countries had spoken on their hotline on Tuesday and agreed to reduce tension along the Line of Control (LoC).

A recent spate of LoC and working boundary violations since July has resulted in casualties and injuries, when Indian troops resorted to "unprovoked" firing. On July 23, the working boundary between India and Pakistan was violated when one person was killed in Shakargarh sector.

On July 20, a man was killed in Mirajke after the Indian BSF allegedly opened fire.


Sunil | 9 years ago | Reply

Dear Pakistan "friends". You forget that your men beheaded our BSF men, or that you fired and killed our men and also civilians. You may have your own spin on the news that is your right to see things as you wish to see them. You also forget that you have been supporting terrorists and helping them into Kashmir from Pakistani occupied Kashmir. Play the victim as much as you like, even pretend that the Mumbai and New Delhi attacks were not from Pakistan. Well lets also say the London bombers were not of Pakistani background or Muslims. Let us all play this game.

Is it getting you anywhere? Now that the Indian armed forces have been given the go a head to retaliate with force, you play the victims. Before you called us cowards, etc. What has changed all of a sudden? Do you also think this type of mentality is going to put food, water and a roof over your heads? Do you think you will have a secure future? The difference between Indians and Pakistani's is very little but it is a big one. You are Indians who are Muslims and we are Indians who remained steadfast in our faith. That difference has caused you to hate. What does that say about you as a people?

Let me also tell you that your future is not looking good and in fact the road to self destruction is paved. We do not have to go to war with you at all, we can wait and know you Pakistani's will self destruct. I am happy for that to happen and if we can assist in that progress I am more then happy to assist in my own way. I am not a friend of Pakistan because my family were killed, forced into Islam and those of us who survived made to India that is my country and Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are occupied Indian lands. You may not like this but it is the truth. Your days are numbered and I do not expect my blunt comments to be published but if they are at least you know the truth.

Raj - USA | 9 years ago | Reply

@Akhtar Baloch: The movement to partition India started in East Bengal which is now Bangladesh. Had it not been for them, there would have been no Pakistan today.

Regarding Baluchistan, Baluch see Punjab as giving away their land and resources to Chinese. They also see that Punjab as taking away their resources, paying pittance to their gas as compared to the prices Pakistan pays for gas from Sindh and importantly, depriving the Baluch of their own resources.

Just recently, Musharaffs lawyer and senior officer of APML said in a live TV show that he is giving some free advice to Nawaz Sharif. He said Nawaz Sharif can end the present long march and demonstrations by PAT and PTI in just five minutes by picking up the phone and calling Musharraf to apologize and asking Musharraf to forgive him for committing a great mistake and that his government is dropping all charges on Musharraf. Now, you read today in ET that Raheel Sharif has asked Nawaz Sharif to hold discussions with PTI and PAT to end their demonstrations. Army wants to free Musharraf but Baluch want him to be hanged. Also Nawaz Sharif is not willing to forget the past. If Musharraf is freed, freedom movement in Baluchistan will only strengthen as Baluch will not forgive it. If Musharraf is punished, Army will overthrow the civilian government as the army will not tolerate their retired General punished for treason.

Regarding the LoC firing, Nawaz Sharif promised several months ago that he will close down all government offices and schools that are within 5 Kms. of LoC. He should do so and Pakistan's army should ensure that the infiltrators are kept far away from the LoC. The schools and government offices near the LoC may be serving as temporary shelters to the terrorists who want to infiltrate to India. There may also be tunnels running through these government offices and schools leading to India.

Previous governments in India were tolerating infiltration of terrorists from Pakistan to India. Modi will not do so. Nor shall the new Indian army chief.

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