Hearts beat for Gaza (II)

Our army fighting in North Waziristan needs our resources and attention too. But we can’t be heartless towards Gaza.

Letter July 11, 2014
Hearts beat for Gaza (II)

KARACHI: With pictures going viral on social media regarding the killings of Palestinians in Gaza, I wonder why our newspapers aren’t highlighting these brutalities. Obviously, many of us are thinking that these brutalities that are happening thousands of miles away don’t concern us. So what if innocent children are being taken away from their mothers’ arms and being killed right in front of their eyes? Why should our media really be concerned about it?

I admit that we are a country at war too. Our army fighting in North Waziristan needs our resources and attention too. But we can’t be heartless enough to turn a blind eye to Gaza.

For all we know, tomorrow this could be us. Pause and reflect.

Areej Naqvi

Published in The Express Tribune, July 12th, 2014.

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