Glaciers are melting faster in the Himalayas than anywhere else in the world due to global warming. Between 2003 and 2009, the Himalayan glaciers lost 260 gigatonnes of water each year, causing one-third of the global sea level rise, as well as catastrophic floods in the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. The warming climate increases land and sea temperatures, as well as leading to external events, like draughts, hurricanes and floods. Pollution, mostly from India and China, is accelerating the melt. An ‘Asian Brown Cloud’, formed from the 2m metric tonnes of carbon soot and dark particles sprayed into the atmosphere every year, warms the air. Such emissions over the past two decades will contribute 0.1 degree centigrade to global average temperature at ground level by 2024.
South Asia is starved for energy. Power shortages of up to 20 hours a day are stunting development. Importing oil and gas from the Gulf, Iran or Tajikistan is expensive or politically difficult. So, countries across the region are turning to indigenous hydroelectric power, in addition to other renewables, such as solar and wind, as a source of cheap, sustainable energy. But hydropower faces a difficult future in South Asia due to the combination of climate, environmental and political-economic factors. Warmer temperatures mean more precipitation and also greater snow melt much earlier in the spring. More water flow because of the earlier melted snow when it’s not needed will not help in the summer when it is needed. Lower summer stream flows will result in dry streams, withered and abandoned crops, dead fish, record low rivers and declining ground water levels. The earlier increased water flow would increase electricity production during spring, but lower summer flow would decrease power production during summers when it is most needed.
Pakistan’s glaciers, covering almost 17,000 sq km amidst over a 100 peaks above 6,000m, feed thousands of miles of rivers. The largest, the Indus, depends on glacial waters for up to half of its flow. Glaciers in the Karakoram Range in the disputed Jammu-Kashmir, where the Indus rises, are thinning at an alarming rate of 0.66m a year. If the present rate continues, the likelihood of them disappearing in the next 50 years is very high. Their total area will likely shrink from the present 500,000 to 100,000 sq km by the year 2035.
The increased melt will bring intense floods, such as that which inundated Pakistan in 2010 and directly affected about 20 million people, which is more than the entire population hit by the Indian Ocean tsunami. Damage to structures was estimated to exceed $4 billion, while the total economic impact may have been as much as $43 billion.
Pakistan currently generates 37 per cent (6,700MW) of its electricity from hydropower on the Indus and has the potential to increase its capacity to over 25,000MW. India generates about 28,000MW or 14 per cent of its electric power by hydro and has plans for expansion. Bhutan currently produces 1,500MW, but is capable of generating over a 100 times more.
The rapidly melting glaciers are already changing river flow patterns in South Asia. Hurricanes caused by warming ocean temperatures can also disrupt the hydropower infrastructure and cause flooding. As the electricity generated is directly proportional to the flow discharge, the potential to generate will be also be disrupted. It has been estimated that a one per cent reduction in stream flow can reduce electricity output by roughly three per cent. This will lead to uncertainty in the reliability of hydroelectric power, which South Asian nations can least afford. It will also lead to controversies and disputes between neighbouring countries where these rivers flow through.
Hydroelectric power also comes with other negativities, including environmental impacts, ecological changes, displacement of population, and the politics of dams on water storage and distribution issues within as well as between countries. The construction of the Kalabagh Dam, with a capacity to generate over 3,600MW and store over 6.5 million acre feet of water, has been a subject of distrust between the provinces. Sindh’s concern is that its share of the Indus water will be curtailed as water from Kalabagh will go to irrigate farmlands in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), at its cost. Sindh holds that its rights as the lower riparian have precedence according to international water distribution law. Sindh’s coastal regions require a constant flow of water into the sea so that the flowing water can keep the seawater from intruding inland. Such seawater intrusion would turn vast areas of Sindh’s coast into an arid saline desert and destroy coastal mangroves. K-P’s concern is that large areas of the Nowshera District would be submerged by the dam and even wider areas would suffer from water-logging and salinity as has occurred with the Tarbela Dam. India and Pakistan have been in dispute over India’s plans to build 60 dams on the Chenab in disputed Kashmir since the Baglihar Dam was completed in 2008. This is a result of Pakistan’s fear that since the source rivers of the Indus basin are in India, it can potentially create droughts and famines in Pakistan.
The future of power production in South Asia lies in hydroelectric generation. The political and technical issues between the provinces and between countries need to be resolved to build a level of trust. There is also a need to control pollution and black carbon deposits so that global warming is contained, particularly in regions around the Himalayas. Modelling of changing river flows, and its impact on flooding and on power generation need to be evaluated so that the future of hydroelectric power production in South Asia is safeguarded.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 3rd, 2014.
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@Pakistani: "Also, ‘international law’ jurisdiction is only between sovereign countries. It does not apply to matters within any country."
So what applies within the country (other than Punjab's will) if not recognized principles of fairness? You make a compelling case for having sovereign countries...
@Pakistani: Can we know the source of 130 MAF wastage to sea? Because according to '91 water distribution accord, there is a total of 114.35 (also said 112) MAF water available in the system. Sindh's concern is that it's an inaccurate estimate of the available water; they suggest there is no more than 90 MAF water available, which means it has to face a shortage of 22 MAF during the normal years due to its downstream positioning.
Remaining within Pakistan's context, I believe there is a strong need to revisit the available water resources in the country in the light of new environmental conditions. These studies need to keep in consideration the melting of glaciers and abrupt inputs/outputs into/from the system. Modern technology must also be used to simulate the river flows and meandering patterns in order to positions the future infrastructural activities where they're needed. The failure of installing (and operating) telemetry system is a case in point here, giving rise to lack of information ( or willful cover-up at the part of decision makers), which will not help the cause; transparent dissemination of critical information to masses will bring people on the same page and then some important decisions can be expected. Otherwise, we'll keep arguing and the waters will flow under the bridge.
@Aqib: yes you can add 4th name of Javed Laghari in your list also. However, your 3 friends from sukkur, who support KBD does NOT prove they or YOU are right while whole of remaining Sindh is Blind!!!!
Money, power can buy many of us.... but they are ultimately proved wrong....
@goatam I can give the names of three of my very good friends from Sukkur who passionately support Kalabagh dam. Unlike you, they are not blinded by nationalist rhetoric.
No mention of China building dams across rivers originating from the Himalayas.Maybe do not want to offend big brother?
Few years job at Islamabad and Javed laghari is advocating kala bagh dam!!!!???
Our ruling class shall get the hint and give all Sindhis same opportunity!!!! Then kalabagh dam is easy to build.
Well done Javed laghari of Sindh
Facts: India has built a barrage at Gazaldoba from which 85% of current water flow is diverted from Teesta River without Bangladesh's consent. The population ratio is on Teesta River basin is 70% for Bangladesh and 30% for India (West Bengal). India is not even honoring its (39%-36%) formula that is why the relation of India & Bangladesh on water are slowly becoming hostile.
Not only Teesta but 54 major rivers flow from India to Bangladesh. India reportedly withdraws water from 43 common rivers through artificial structures
Accoring to a report 2/3 of Bangladesh could become desert due to Indian Mega-Plan (river Interlinking project) of water diversion & Hydro Power Projects.
Lower Riparian (down stream) always has precedent over higher riparian (up stream) it is a universally accepted principle.
Plz correct yourself.
@Asad Khan: First, India has to live up to mutual trust by giving Bangalesh its long overdue share of Teesta.
Teesta waters are currently being shared 39%-36% between India and Bangladesh. This was envisaged to be increased to 50% each due to better relations that India has with Bangladesh even though there is a valid concern that the northern part of West Bengal could go dry.
As a lower riparian, neither Bangladesh nor Pakistan can demand from an upper riparian sovereign state.
The author would have done well to provide citations for the various statements about glacier melting, river flows and the like. Otherwise it appears more of a political article with 'facts' chosen to suit the argument.
The author is trying to dig himself out of the rubble created by him at the HEC.
Sorry Dude, I got a better Idea. Why don't India & Pakistan grow their own vegetables & produce their own electricity and trade it when their is shortfall of any, all be in the ambit of Indus Water Treaty. Fair enough? right. No need to create artificial dependicies on each other when even the written words on stone interpreted differently by both sides.
Trust, nice thing indeed. First, India has to live up to mutual trust by giving Bangalesh its long overdue share of Teesta. Okay.
Pakistan's total hydro potential is 60,000 MW as estimated by Wapda. Also, 'international law' jurisdiction is only between sovereign countries. It does not apply to matters within any country. We store only 8 percent of our river flows against a world average of 50 percent. We waste 130 MAF of water every year to the sea.
@water bottle: It’s clear that this one was about environment and about power and not about how the issue between India-pakistan can be resolved."" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The author correctly points out to the trust deficit.....not only between India and Pakistn but within Pakistan. Kalabagh is a testimony to that!. Enhancing trust between India and Pakistan even in the limited sphere of power and environemnt is a worthwhile objective. One way to do that is to build mutual dependancies: India sells electricty to Pakistan and Pakistan sells agricultural products grown in the region to India. No doubt readers will have more ideas on the subject.
"There is no point in writing an article to say that. Its worthwhile to write one to list ideas how to build that elusive trust."
Different writers write different Op-Eds on different topics.
It's clear that this one was about environment and about power and not about how the issue between India-pakistan can be resolved.
very well, sir.
A rarity on ET where most Op-Eds are rhetoric or emotional rants.
I hope that people in power are reading this.
"The future of power production in South Asia lies in hydroelectric generation." That is why Pakistan is getting 5 billion dollars help from China to build nuclear plants plants. The definition of hydroelectric probably includes heavy water used in nuclear power generation.Author failed to mention emphasis on the water conservation and water diversion during the floods.
"The political and technical issues between the provinces and between countries need to be resolved to build a level of trust. " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is no point in writing an article to say that. Its worthwhile to write one to list ideas how to build that elusive trust.
"South Asia is starved for energy. Power shortages of up to 20 hours a day are stunting development." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So Pakistan = South Asia?
Si,r you are behind the curve. Rina S Khan covered this months ago.