The Express Tribune learnt that police from the Islampura Police Station directed Tahir* in Sanat Nagar not to sacrifice his bull, which he had bought and tied in front of his house a day before Eid.
At the direction of police, Tahir had to remove the animal from his house.
On the same night, Hanjarwal police raided the house of Ahmad* at Sabzazar and took him to the police station, where he was detained for two hours. When his family members reached the police station, officials agreed to release him, but not before he provided a a written assurance that he will not perform the sacrifice meant to remember the Prophet Ibrahim's (AS) tradition of presenting Ismail (AS) for sacrifice, said one of Tahir's family members.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya spokesperson Saleemuddin, while talking to The Express Tribune, said all of this was too much for the Ahmadia community in Lahore.
He said that the police, instead of providing security to the citizens, was meddling in sectarian issues and supporting hardliners.
*Tahir and Ahmad are fabricated names to protect the identities of the victims.
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To be honest, as a European, I find the whole business in Pakistan pathetic and embarrassing. I feel sorry for those good people who have to live in such circumstances, oppression and prejudice. Many years ago I would have liked to visit, but not now! Shame on you who are responsible for giving Pakistan such a bad name in the world.
Now what more you can expect. First, Ahmadis were declared as non Muslims by the state, which was not its job to decide anybody's religious affiliation and now it has started interfering in individual's personal matters as well. I think its high time that the silent majority of the country should come forward and play their due role, otherwise get ready for even more of this but remember, if it is not controlled even now, it may spread among more sects and communities.
And Paki say that they are the true Muslims... it is not Islam what they are practicing here.... there is not respect for even a Muslim brothers!
@Raza: Your ignorance is astounding. Who are you to proclaim Ahmadis are NOT muslims. Ahmadis ARE Muslims and this act takes away their basic human right to practice their religion. For the love of your country, atleast TRY to be less ignorant and intolerant of the beliefs of others.
@Mujahid Syed: and WHAT god given right does the constitution of Pakistan have to declare anyone non-Muslim? You my friend personify ignorance and intolerance and are exactly what's wrong with Pakistan.
Whats going on in pakistan pakistan should stop this nonsense
@Hussain: Mr. HUSSAIN why would ahmadis impersonate if they are treated in this brute and unislamic way. They are tolerating injustices just because they firmly believe in Islam. Ahmadis believe in five articles of faith and six artilcles of islamic faith. Only main difference is belief in Mirza sahib as Imam Mahdi and Masih ul Maood. Main stream muslims are still waiting for Imam Mahdi and Masih. SO STOP TALKING LIES.
Very Simple Ahmadi is a Non Muslims by the Constitution of Pakistan . Well Done Lahore Police we are proud of u.
Very Simple Ahmadi is a Non Muslims by the Constitution of Pakistan . Well Done Lahore Police we are proud of u.
This is due to teachings of zia
horrific. tragic. pathetic. shameful. aweful
Sacrifice: Please trace back history and find "who" started that? is that done by Muslims only? No? Then how can anyone be "Thakaydaar" ?
Can any force in the world would pull out the love of Allah and his Prophets and their teachings & practices from hearts ...!! ???
Dear Maulana Sahib if you know a little bit of history,then be it known to you that Ahmadis got full 'Sawaab' of Qurbani,without spending a single penny.You stand looser at both ends
There is no record in the abovementioned Police stations regarding the incidents happening.
It is so irresponsible to make a story from two posts on twitter of a person who is not known & not even a verified account.
@Mujahid Syed: So who says that only muslims can sacrifice??
@Adil: you are in need of serious religious study...all religions have sacrifice in one form or other and you say it is not needed...I am not an extremist and you are free to have your opinions...but surely billions of people can never be as wrong as you think....
Very shameful. Embarrassed to be a Pakistani.
@Sheikh: So you have any bright ideas;people like you don't let them live,but you also have problems them getting asylum abroad.Only Nazi germany comes close.And people like you are waiting for them to be put in gas-chambers.
@Munawar Choudhry: What Ahmadi scholars? They have completely made up a new religion so it is outside the realms of Islam and reject a lot of Islam's teachings because it's not even following the basic tenents of Islam and they fail to accept every other Muslim whether, sunni, shia, deoband, berelvi as a Muslim as well. Seriously please study the book of the founder of the faith and what he says and it's ridiculous if you don't think it isn't just another cult. I have read on the faith and to me it's nothing but a bunch of bull. But if someone wants to believe it, let them believe it. The ahmadis preaah peace, I'm not denying that, but why preach in the name of Islam when you don't believe in the religion entirely? Makes no sense...
@Haris EXACTLLYYY, btw I do feel they are badly persecuted and should leave Pakistan for their safety because no faith is safe, regardless if your mainsteam or not. This paper reports on Shias murders, but fails to mention Berelvis or Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah murders in Karachi on sectarian grounds. Every sect is within conflict with 1 another. I'm sure if Deobands and Wahhabis could have it they would wash us all out.
Very shameful country, OMG what will happened after few year. :(
@ Katju. Actually Shahbaz Sharif is a "geedar" (i.e. jackal) in Chief Minister's clothing. Both he and his older brother the Prime Minister are immensely terrified of the TTP and their Punjabi comrades-in-arms, and do not want to suffer the fate of ANP's and PPP's leaders prior to the elections. That is why these two cowards are abetting and sympathizing with the terrorists, are too scared to name them, and their minions (PMLN MNAs) have voted to declare the cold blooded murderers of 50,000 Pakistanis as legitimate "stakeholders" of the Country, and are bending backwards to "negotiate the country's surrender" with them.
what is ET trying to portray here? Pakistan is not a safe place for the "Marzayis" all this article is going to do is help them get asylum abroad. Good Job Pro Marzayi ET.
If Ahmadis are not allowed to follow Islam then why they are not permitted to commit murder, tell lies, give/take bribes, drink alcohol, rape, steal, rob and so on. Islam is not just sacrificing an animal, saying an azan, saying a kalma, etc. On the other hand Islam encompass every aspect of life. Its a complete code of conduct.
"Ya Zulm rahy ga dharti pay, ya dharti khud mit jay ge"
So sad, it is the height of hypocrisy by the so called Muslims in Pakistan, I am a sunni Muslim from Mardan but who am I and who gives me or others the license or the right to call others kafirs, let God judge us all on the day of judgment. Shame on Punjab government who can not defend their own citizen's rights but then I forgot that it was Nawaz Sharif who wanted to become Ameer-ul-Momenneen of Pakistan till he was booted out. Can we follow the teachings of the founder of Pakistan Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who fought to have a home land for Muslims and that included all branches of Islam, and beside Muslims other minorities were given the freedom to practice their belief what ever they may choose. Are we safe guarding the rights of others in Pakistan, I think not.
Everyone seems to be supporting Ahmadis yet you don't know what u are supporting. Firstly, Ahmadis believe every other Muslim is a kafir and they can't talk to us, pray behind us, marry us and etc. this all says in Mirza's book. Now if they call us kafir and we call them, what makes the difference? As far as I know they are non-Muslims and more like a different faith, like the Bahai's so why perform Islamic rituals?However the police should be more concerned with catching extremists than if they cut a goat or whatever. ET publish this because as a liberal, secular paper it's your job to accept different views & opinions, professionalism.
As per my opinion, Ahmadis are real muslims, because the picture they are presenting in Europe and North America are awesome. They are peacefull people and present every point of view with logic and explanantion. Mullahs from other sects are not able to defend the Ahmadis muslims scholars. Mullahs not only ruined my Pakistan and also our respect in other countries. Shame on you and wake up.
@Californian Desi: Dont act like 5 year old toddler. There belief is different then any other sect you mention. So kindly either get educated or try to get your mouth shut before speaking. Don't think if you write California in display name people are going to think you as a scholar.
All those who are not part of the mainstream sect, please leave Pakistan. I am a sunni but I have quit Pakistan for good and currently living in Malaysia. Dear Ahmadis and Shias etc. please save yourselves and get out of this God forsaken country. Get asylum, use your skills to get a job overseas, apply for business visas, get skilled visas - get out! A place where there is no respect for humans, irrespective of religious views, is no place for civilised humans to live, period.
Maybe they should ban everyone from killing the poor animals to please their deity. I'm quite sure their God does not need any animals blood or offering of their flesh. Surely the creator of this vast universe, does not need tiny micro being killing fellow living beings to please him. Think of the dimensions of things - one hundred billion stars in just our own galaxy, and then there are one hundred billion galaxies beyond. Why would the creator want the third rock from our sun to shed the blood of 100 million innocent creatures every time the rock rock completes a circle around this one sun, out of the one hundred trillion others...... it just does not make an iota of sense. So please, let's stop this mindless butchering and killing.
tomorrow lahore police will barren ahmadies from respiration because oxygen is used for muslims respiratory system hence no copyrights.
@timesup: When Ahmedis were being declared non muslim, Shia clerics supported it. The were warned even then that they would be next, eventually.
This is shameful. where is the govt.
How strange, Ahmadi's cant perform qurbani but an Ahmadi can be killed with out question in Pakistan
Disgusting discrimination for which the animals would be grateful.
@R.A: whatever they r not muslim
@csmann: whatever but they r not muslim
The Pakistani establishment needs to grow up and stop its dependency on religious groups in order to bring social cohesion to an otherwise disparate ethnic and sectarian groups of people from different cultures.
Social engineering has gone awry and its consequences threaten to destroy Pakistan and if left unchecked perhaps the immediate neighborhood. God save Pakistan and Afghanistan from these false messiahs and their heathen Arab backers.
the good thing in all this is hopefully the lives of the goats and bulls remains intact ! i dont care about these people who will keep fighting foreve
If this is true then we as a nation have failed.
What a country ! Congrats to the people of Pakistan and the writers of its Constitution ! May Allah be merciful and put the country out of its misery.
Idiotic constitution.
@Rana Majid Khan: i will pray for you that the non Muslim country you are living will impose the same law like pakistani did according to their religion then you can understand the feelings of ahmadies.. ameen
@Baba Ji: Yes even in hindu tradition we have concept of Bali. We did a lot of progress in field of geomatry because we were making many different sizes of altars(Bali Vedi). One of the finest example is Baudhayan rule which in west later known as Pythagoras Theorem. These practices are not socially accepted in modern hindu societies. though in some remote areas they are still done.
you people (who has internet, well educated and can write and read English ), represents the most intellectual class of Pakistan, you people are considered most tolerant (comparatively) from the rest of the population of Pakistan. and we are seeing your views as the best. but still among you many are favoring the act of police, god knows what the rest would be behving with minorities.
Ahmadi or no Ahmadi - why the Government and Police get involved in the Religions of the Citizens of our unfortunate country. Let people be what they are. They are still Pakistanis - Pakistan was not created for people like TTP.
The best thing in these comments is that people are actually saying it was a good thing. Well done, people of Pakistan. Let nobody be happy.
"Be humble in spirit, kind and gentle , and forgiving, sympathetic towards all and wishing them well, so that you should be accepted." - Imam Mahdi as
As Qadianis are not Muslims they should have their own timing and ways of worship then no one will interfere in their religious activities. If they continue to mock at the Muslims then they deserve worst punishment.
Bravo Punjab police. Punjab has become the hotbed of sectarianism/terrorism. The local government is fully involved in this absurdness.
Maybe its time Punjab government get themselves familiar with the word 'blowback'. It's about time they turn against you. USA is a good example to start with.
What are they trying to prove here??? This Eid teaches the lesson of sacrifice and patience. And Pakistan was made on the line that every person will be free to practice their religion. So why to restrict and refrain anyone from following a holy practice that is universal and bears on boundary in any religion.
Allah is watching and its just matter of time when his wrath will fall on these self proclaimed guardians of Islam. Dooms day is upon them.
Freedom is the only option for the Ahmadias
In coming future I am afraid Ahmadi Muslims and Shia Muslims will have a worse fate then Hindus and Sikhs. Hindus and Sikhs had a place (India) to go to. If Ahmadis will fight back, it will give a chance to Sunnis to start riots and slaughter of Ahmadis.
Real problem is Pakistan government supports anti-Shia and anti-Ahmadi Mullahs.
I hope Ahmadis and Shias get support from International community and peace prevails.
Abstaining from a private religious act.... this is hitting below the belt...injustice on part of govt
@csmann so it is justified to prosecute ahmedis here, right?
@timesup: Dear I meant ET not
This is sure not a Pakistan anyone dreamed of, it's becoming Afghanistan now. Even Afghanistan is better then Pakistan right now.
We are all humans first then anything else.....
All Qadianis and their sympathisers should read : Then they should argue over what the Lahore police done was right. If they had the means and the power they would have behaved no differently.
Sadly, such behavior against minorities in literally written into our constitution. The situation on the ground could take time to get better but the least we could do is push legislators to fix our discriminatory laws.
Many of these laws tend to be directed towards women and religious minorities. Garbed in the veil of religion, these laws have stunted the growth of our 'collective intellect' and have certainly played their part in the resulting social & economic quagmire that we find ourselves in as a nation.
Ha! Ha!
live n let live. be human respect humanity let Allah b the judge of everyone. lets respect minorities.
This is beyond riidicolous. It is not the business of the state and I am sure police has some other work that can actually benifit the society.
We gave them a nation and they made a mess of it.
@Raza: And who are you to decide what a Muslim or non-Muslim can do?
Good job by police, Ahmedis are non-muslim, ET should practice what it preach and allow ppl with different opinion post their comments
Imagine if the 'west' Pakistani Muslims were denied halaal slaughter facilities - imagine the outcry? Stop persecuting religious minorities regardless of how they identify themselves, this is unbecoming of a mature nation or mature people
My head today hangs in shame. Ahmedis are behaving more like muslims and salafis more like kafils.
The situation is similar to the deal struck between the son of Abdul Wahab and the house of Saud. The latter got reign over the land and the former was in return given full monopoly over religion. Here too PMLN has struck a similar deal with the salafi extremists. Only difference is that here the "independent" judges and "upright" police are also onboard.
Is this the order of CM of Punjab behind this mind set who is directing the police in two cases,Very shocking ! is this the Pakistan which Quaid i Azam handed over to us.
Congratulations to the Pakistanis that Islam is saved today. The credit goes to our Amir-ul-Momineen, Khadim-e-Aala, Wali-Ehed, as well as their spiritual father aka Mard-e-Momin.
ET - are we not supposed to comment on this post?
This is ridiculous, the nerve of this bigoted society never fails to shock me. Give the Ahmedis a break. Why are you so scared of them? Stop humiliating them at every turn.
Pakistanis are more concerned about No Qurnbani by Polish Muslims not Ahmadis. Wah Pakistan Wah!!!
I prefer that the police stops everyone from such a practice. You don't kill innocent helpless victims and call it Qurabani. That's a wrong use of the word.
Hmmm... Just a step away from making the Ahmedis wear a yellow badge on their clothes. And, we all know how that turned out for Germany.
Live and let live. Shameful.
This is the height of hypocrisy. The most corrupt have become the "thakay dars" of Islam. No wonder 'land of pure' is such a mess.
Courts in Malaysia and the Police in Pakistan are on the same page.
High time they banned meat consumption by all non-Muslims for the three days of Eid-ul-Azha.
Great. Please continue this type of activities to feel We Indian Muslims are more lucky.
:D well well who gave the police right to tag them non-muslims ?
Perhaps acc to constitution of pakistan Police have copyright to tag, un-tag muslims :D
Perhaps it time for humans to leave pakistan... !
They should not be stopped even if they are not Muslims,,
Meanwhile, Pakistanis are complaining about Poland...
Shame on the provincial and federal government for allowing this.
Is the price this country's paying for sitting in the KSA / UAE / Qatar / Kuwait camp worth it ?...............or is it beneficial to the pockets of only a few ?
I think this is good for ahemedis..Let these pure muslims of wahabi identities although they are hindu converts do this.....Allah will praise ahemedi more and give them more as they have not killed an innocent animal.......Think how will it seems if tommorow these taliban say that when we are killing people..we are doing it halal way and thats the right way..the animal innocent is cruelly suffered slowly slowly so that it pains him more...think if somebody do it to u like this way......I am not a hindu/christian/sikh or Muslim..ET..i have said nothing offensive and i know it dont hurt anybodys sentiment..these are my views and they need to be accomodated apart from views of muslims or any other nationality or religion people.....u need to be democratic..please publish....
Shame on Lahoris and the police and adminstraion in Lahore. Pakistan must be a very backward country full of illeterate people if such injustices are allowed!!!
This is wrong at so many levels.
1) Qurbani is not an "Islamic" ritual. It is done in rememberance of Hadhrat Ibrahim/Ishmail (as) and was practised even before his time.
2) Anti-Ahmadi laws are barbaric and criminal. How can the State continue to harass Ahmadi Muslims and arrest them for Kalima, Salam, Adhan, Qurbani etc etc. Pakistan is the only State in the world to have such overt discriminatory laws in its constitution.
3) These Khatme Nubuwwat extremist radicals need to be apprehended. They plaster the country with such hate speech so openly. Sadly, the police sides with them and arrests those they point at.
Pakistan needs a bold social and civil reform against religious bigotry and Mullaism. This is getting more and more ridiculous with time. God bless our country and help us return it to Jinnah's ideals of equality and justice.
naya pakistan???????????............. nah..... its the usual extremist pakistan . ;)
Sick mentality of a sick punjabi province which supports extremists. Usa.pls help
This is too much, move to a different country.
Police should be ashamed of themselves. Where are all the protestors and where's the human chain now?!
Police! The worst police force in the world is only good for denying innocent civilians their due rights. Hopeless!
Then they say we created Mukti Bahini. Nothing more to say.
Everyone should have a freedom to practice their religious beliefs
Good job Lahore Police ! Where is the Governor of Punjab? Is there any governance going on? Shahbaz Sharif, himself, clearly is an extremist in sheeps' clothing.
Yet another proverbial "NAIL in the Coffin" -- but of what exactly -- Ahmadiyyas.... or Pakistan in general, one wonders ...???
Do non muslims give Qurbani ? just asking
So now we are going to get main headlines based on couple of tweets from one user ? Amazing, we can all publish our own newspapers and editorials now.
Sacrifice is not Islamic. Jews do it too, and many other religion do it too.
What a sad joke of a country.
Wow......height of hypocrisy. Just yesterday Pakistanis were blaming Polish government for banning halal practice. And in their own country Ahmadis have no right to practice Islam just because it is not in lines of Sunni's or Shia's belief. Talk about minority rights.
When I Go To The West I See Islam Without Muslims. But When I Come Back To The East I See Muslims Without Islam "ALLAMA IQBAL"
Thank God I do not live in Pakistan of today.
This is just pathetic.
thank you ZAB for 'enlightening' us! And now no one has guts to eye the mullas. .thank you our coward leaders and 'brave' police!
A nation such as ours deserves to burn. There is no god in our land, he left a long time ago.
Let's assume they are not Muslims, can't they sacrifice a bakra nonetheless? Shameful. Allah is the best judge.
Pathetic reporting. Is this the most imortant headline of the day beased upon fabricated sources?
Dear me! No doubt taliban rules us.
This act of police is totaly against the fundamentle rights of a citizen. i not only disagree with this but strongly condemn it. all citizens of pakistan must have equal rights n freedom to perform without any discrimination.
Oh my Lord, the stupidity never stops, does it?
I can barely face my Ahmedi friends after how much worse their treatment is getting. And we worry about whats happening in the US and other countries. Fix your own house first Pakistan!
This is the same police force that stood aside when a muslim mob burned down joseph colony in Lahore. The ummah has been saved!!
Sadddd!!!! :(
what? no wonder muslims were stopped in poland for sacrifice...atleast good vice versa... no religous freedom. so rituals are now copyrighted just to muslims... i guess jews should stop this also.
Thats what the constitution of pakistan says that Ahmadis are not muslims. Police did what they need to do.
Why don't you employ Jamat-Uddawa to do this job. There are two benifits to it.
1) Police can do actual policing : protecting Pakistanis from Pakistanis.
2) JuD will get busy persecuting Ahmadis and the Hindus of India will be spared.
Such harrassment is in total contradiction to the spirit of a great religion. The helplessness of the provincial government to stop such things shows how closely it is aligned with the extremists like Hafez Saeed and his ilk. The go-between to provide cover to all this is none other than Senior Minister Rana Sanaullah. Shame on Shahbaz Sharif for letting this kind of behaviour in a province under his rule. As a wise man has said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". Pakistan seems to be in a race to become the world's leading violator of human rights and a place where there is utter disrespect for human dignity.
blame PTI and specifically Imran Khan for that.....
Then these honest peace loving Muslims cry when European countries don't allow them to build Mosques. Im surprised how these poeple talk about equality and justice in West when they themselves does not care about people's right, tolerance and justice. Pakistan is plagued with "we are always right and you are always wrong" kind of a mindset. Today you don't even see Allah's blessing there. Hypocrites
How low your nation can go? Now it is becoming intolerable to world community. Your country is becoming big trash bin of retarded.
does this piece of news deserve to be the main headline?
we cant stop taliban but we will torture helpless minority
Very Good. Nice action by police for Pakistan and Islam.
So what? They ain't Muslims and can't perform Islamic rituals! But nobody stops them from enjoying meat in other days. Why can't Ahmedis sacrifice animals some other days? Do they really have to create such scenes always?
That's sick. How low can the state get? What's with the insecurity of 'real' muslim majority. Utterly disgusting. Pml n will fast lose the lil liberal support its left with if it continues to abondon itself to psychophants
This is a height of hypocrisy, idiocy and ignorance............Ahmadis can do what ever they like to do, it's their belief.............Stop this stupidity.
Good decision of Lahore Police, According to the constitution of Pakistan Ahmedis are non-Muslims.
@Twitter: " ... Another #Ahmadi got police at his doorstep who took him custody for possessing an animal for Qurban & released him after 2 hours. ... "
Forget about the human, what happened to the animal ?
Police is an agent of Allah who knows who is and who isn't Muslim. So,Talibani's are the purest of the Muslims! And they sacrifice human being rather than animals. Who could be purer than them. Shame!
We should thank police on saving few lives.
Welcome to the Islamic Republic of the Talibans!
Sacrificing animals has been a ritual for thousands of years before Islam came into being.
Qurbani predates islam or even entire arab civilization. To call it islamic only and stopping others from doing it height of ignorance and intolerance.
pakistan is going down. what a sad state of affairs!
The depths of depravity that people can sink to in this country never ceases to amaze and shock me. It is only a matter of 15 - 20 years before which this country will cease to exist. It will be for the good of humanity when this happens.
Let us see what the "righteous" people have to say about the tolerance and equality in other countries,especially the ones who are so bitter about the following news
What hope is there when the state is involved in persecution with support from a large percentage of the public.
Next would be denying them Muslim sounding names. Since they are not Muslims, converting to other religion should not be a problem for them now. May be they will be much better off as Hindus or Christians than Ahmedis.
On first reading this I thought it was a joke but am astounded that the police in a city where infants are brutally raped and terrorists seem to attack at will have seen fit to take this on as their duty. Who gives these orders or is this just a convenient excuse to shake down a group for performing their religious duties. Was this how the great Islamic scholars of yore convinced a hostile population to convert to Islam in India.
As a shia muslim I call upon Ahmedis to fight back. This is not acceptable for any true muslim. These guys are literally acting like thugs instead of protecting minorities.
What a country!!!It deserves TTP.Slowly the right of life will be taken away from Ahmadis ,with the help of police and Government.Irony is Mullahs will order killing of a muslim if he was to leave Islam.But they can excommunicate over 2 million Muslims at their whim.They consider themselves above Allah.They will decide for poor Allah as to who they are going to allow submission to Him.
Bas yehi rahe gaya tha !! feeling so ashamed being a Pakistani