Pakistan-US ties on the mend: Dempsey

General Dempsey warns that pullout from Afghanistan would have fallout for Pakistan, the region.

APP June 12, 2013
US military chief General Martin Dempsey says “Measured, but steady civilian-military engagement with Pakistani leadership led to the reopening of the Ground Lines of Communication in July 2012.” PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

WASHINGTON: The United States is gradually rebuilding its bilateral relationship with Pakistan in the wake of tensions that brewed in 2011, the top American military officer said on Wednesday.

“We are gradually rebuilding our relationship as reflected in the recent signing of a tripartite border document to standardise complementary cross-border operations and will continue to do so with Pakistan’s new leadership following its historic election last month,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Staff of the US military Gen. Martin Dempsey said.

Appearing before the US Senate Committee on Appropriations, Dempsey acknowledged that a defeat in Afghanistan would have fallout for Pakistan and the region.

The General recalled that when he appeared for a testimony last year, the effects of the November 2011 border incident with Pakistan were still fresh, and tensions were as high as any time since the Osama bin Laden raid but things improved through bilateral engagement.

“Measured, but steady civilian-military engagement with Pakistani leadership led to the reopening of the Ground Lines of Communication in July 2012,” he noted.

When Senator Lindsey Graham asked Dempsey what would happen if the United States-led allies lose the conflict in Afghanistan, the military officer cited a number of possible implications.

“Well, the region will become unstable. Our—I think there will be problems on Pakistan’s border. Iran will be encouraged to become even more regionally aggressive ------ we could find a re-emergence of violent extremist groups.”

However, he stressed that the US is winning in Afghanistan.

Dempsey noted that the difference between winning and losing is certainly what the US-led allies do between now and the end of 2014 “but also, I think, the commitment we make beyond.”


Aschraful Makhlooq | 11 years ago | Reply

@US CENTCOM: If you are true,sincere and honest on your this stance and if you respect and honor Pakistan's sovereignty practically,sincerely and honestly then why don't you end/stop drones' strikes on Pakistani tribal areas which are the causing of more terrorism and insecurity in Pakistan???? Please at least now stop your this hypocritical attitude,double-standard and dual-faced policies regarding Pakistan because we Pakistanis have seen your real face and intentions about/for Pakistan and you US can no more fool and deceive us further......

US CENTCOM | 11 years ago | Reply

Dear SM,

Our sacrifices in the region prove our stance against terrorism. We share a common goal with Pakistan and Afghanistan in regards to restoring peace in the region. Our nations have felt the impact of terrorism, and therefore, we are working together to combat the common threat of terrorism. We have always acknowledged Pakistan’s sacrifices in the region. It is no secret that Pakistan continues to feel the wrath of terrorism at the hands of homegrown insurgents. These same terrorists see our nations as a common threat to their evil objectives. And that’s the reason we’ve been emphasizing shared cooperation between our nations. These terrorists regularly target our forces on both sides of the border, and it makes no sense to indulge in the blame game, especially when we are working towards a common goal of stabilizing the region. We want to leave behind a safe and secure structure for Afghanistan to prosper. The progress shown by the ANSF (Afghan National Security Forces) promises a bright future for the nation of Afghanistan. We will continue to work for the betterment of the region, and hope to remain unified in regards to our common objectives.

Ali Khan

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