Lal Qila ground: MQM unveils candidates

Out of 671 candidates, 256 have been fielded for provincial assembly seats in Punjab.

MQM leaders at the unveiling of party candidates. PHOTO: MOHAMMAD NOMAN / EXPRESS


Leaving out some of its key political leaders, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on Saturday announced the names of hundreds of candidates who will be contesting the general election from all over the country.

Former parliamentarian Haider Abbas Rizvi and ex-information minister Raza Haroon were most likely kept away because of their dual nationality status.

MQM leaders Waseem Akhtar, Abdul Qadir Khanzada and Shoaib Bukhari are also amongst those who would not be contesting the 2013 elections.

The party’s deputy convener Farooq Sattar is contesting for a NA-249 seat from Karachi, while former members of the provincial assembly, Faisal Subzwari, Sagheer Ahmed, Syed Sardar Ahmed, Khawaja Izhar Hassan are again in the race for Sindh Assembly seats in Karachi.

Rauf Siddiqui, who had resigned after the Baldia inferno last year, is also contesting for a provincial assembly seat. Others contesting for provincial seats from Karachi are new entrants.

At the Lal Qila ground, the party unveiled its candidates in style, and in person.

Around 671 of them; the Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch, Pathans, sat next to one another, cheering and waving the party flags. When their provinces were called out, the profiles of the candidates along with their picture, Twitter and Facebook IDs appeared on a large screen.

According to the MQM, it has awarded tickets to 22 women on general seats.

Deputy Convener Farooq Sattar said it was the first time in political history that the announcement of party candidates was taking place in their presence. “Ticket holders have flown from Quetta, Peshawar, from everywhere to be here.”

MQM chief Altaf Hussain, who introduced the candidates, said that with their nomination, the impression that MQM belongs to one ethnic group and area would be proven wrong. “We are a national level party.”

Appeal to the Taliban

During the telephonic address, Altaf appealed to the Taliban, and requested them to lay down their arms. “I request them to drop their weapons, and stop carrying out bomb attacks, and killing innocent and poor people.” Declaring his party’s peace credentials, Altaf said the MQM did not believe in violence and bloodshed.

Lyari’s mandate

As Nabil Gabol, who is contesting for two National Assembly seats in Karachi on an MQM ticket, made his appearance, Altaf Hussain claimed that his party has secured Benazir Bhutto’s mandate.


From the total number of candidates, around 450 are vying for the provincial assembly seats, and 221 for the National Assembly seats. The highest number of candidates would be contesting from Punjab with 256 for provincial assembly and 132 for the National Assembly.

From Sindh (excluding Karachi), 86 contestants are contesting for provincial assembly, and 41 for the National Assembly. From Karachi, MQM is putting up its contestants from all constituencies and seats, 42 for provincial assembly and 20 seats for National Assembly.

Khyber-Paktunkhwa will see up to 45 MQM candidates contesting for provincial assembly and 21 for National Assembly seats while from Balochistan the party has 21 condidates for provincial assembly and 7 for National Assembly seats.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 21st, 2013.


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