While it is not easy to quantify the performance of foreign missions in tangible terms, it is still possible to get a lot of circumstantial evidence of their performance. For example, the ministry can be asked if there has been an increase in the general awareness about Pakistan, in the global community at large and in the global economic and financial circles specifically.
The ministry can also be asked if Pakistan’s perception in the world is any better today than it was a year ago, or five years ago. If it is then, yes they are doing their job, or at least part of their job. However, it doesn’t take a genius to guess that Pakistan’s perception has not really improved noticeably, if it hasn’t actually worsened.
According to the response of the foreign ministry, the rise is, for the most part, caused by the depreciation of the Pakistani rupee. This is only partially true. But even if it was true, the question arises whether such lavish foreign missions actually serve a purpose? Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been steadily falling from a historic high of $5.49 billion in 2007-08 to about $812 million for 2011-12.
One can argue that FDI is not entirely the purvey of foreign missions but it is part of their job to find effective ways to market the country. They should play the role of facilitator for trade and not just as clerical and administrative centres for facilitating Pakistanis abroad, or wining and dining the political elite of that country. The figure is not astronomical in itself. But we are a poor country. It makes no economic sense to maintain the lavish diplomatic presence that we do, especially when we have little or nothing to show for it.
Published in The Express Tribune, March 2nd, 2013.
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. I think people looking at the figure of Billion seem to get alarmed aas if a huge expense is incurred by the Pakistani Diplomatic Representatives. . On converting the Pak. Rs. 9.8 Billion into US Dollars one gets a figure of US$ 98 Million which is not such a high figure i.e. it is Pak. Rs. 49 Per Pakistan which equates to say USCents 49. . Surely, this is not a "Huge" Figure! . Cheers
"However, it doesn’t take a genius to guess that Pakistan’s perception has not really improved noticeably, if it hasn’t actually worsened."
With the quality of the staff that is sent out to these embassies, there is no way the world perception of Pakistan will change.
@A. Khan: Without an iota of doubt I can vouch that every word @A. Khan has written is nothing but true.
Marketting country internationally requires good image of Pakistan. First garbage has to be cleared at home then one can present it to others. Hardly any activity is seen to improve the image of Pakistan in European countries. When asked the reason all point fingers to mess piled up back home. So first clean the house then invite others to visit.
"One can argue that FDI is not entirely the purvey of foreign missions...." Never heard of globalization? Capital and technology don't flow through Governments any more. No Embassy will have adequate information on any/many of the industries that foreign companies would want to invest in. And if it is an MNC, you can be sure they would have done their homework outside of Embassy resources. FDI doesn't flow to Pakistan because of the difficult situation prevailing in the country, no Embassy can counter that without losing credibilty.
"For example, the ministry can be asked if there has been an increase in the general *awareness about Pakistan, in the global community at large and in the global economic and financial circles specifically."*
What a silly question! How can the embassies be held responsible for how Pakistan is perceived when global reports about Pakistan are inundated with news like how Bin Laden was living near a military station and how Pakistan has become a global terror epicenter endangering the global community?
Now this is called DEMOCRACY .. Enjoy
Recently released figures indicate that in 2011-12, Pakistan has spent Rs9.8 billion on maintaining and running its foreign missions, up from Rs5.7 billion in 2008-09.
This shows a 71% increase in expenses while Pakistani rupee has gone from 60 rupees to a dollar to a 100 rupees o a dollar a 66% depreciation of currency. So a 5% real increase in 4 years shows a tight control on expenses not profligacy as you seem o imply.
"One can argue that FDI is not entirely the purvey of foreign missions but it is part of their job to find effective ways to market the country."
FDI has crashed due to the poor law and order situation in Pakistan and the horrendous load shedding. Unsure how you hold embassies responsible for that.
"Lavish diplomatic premises"
It would appear that the author has never visited the Pakistani embassies in question. They are amongst the worst maintained around even though located in prime locations. And maintenance in foreign countries is much more expensive than in Pakistan, please keep that in mind. There is no PWD department which comes in and does a slipshod job.
Whenever I feel homesick about Pakistan when visiting overseas, all I have to do is to visit our embassy or consulate. From the untidy building, to broken furniture, to rude staff and even ruder Pakistanis milling about, relevant staff in lunch breaks or important meetings i.e. tea break, to the unchecked bureaucracy (multiple copies of application/papers, no photocopier in embassy but there is one half a kilometer away), it gives me the whiff of being in Pakistan.
Sigh... some things will never change. We are destined to crawl behind the rest of the developed world seeking alms forever.
Strange logic so if the cricket team does not win the World Cup then there is enough ground to scrap the team. Or if the quality of talent is not there in Pakistani economy so all investments in education should be stopped.
Lastly this should be ample ground to then scrap the army after 1971 or Abbotabad ; -0)
It is largely because of the deprecation - do the math.
And it is a show string budget ...
Don't agree at all with the sensationalism that's creeping into ET.