Placing this alongside the memo case, where an American national’s statement forms the core of the case, and apparently, a Canadian Pakistani’s letter has been incorporated in the petition, and one can come to the obvious conclusion of dual standards. Further placement of this with My Lord’s insistence and concern on expediting the process of voting for overseas Pakistanis makes this even more problematic. Yet to be fair to My Lords, there are no dual standards, there are no standards. Keeping in view the larger than life persona of My Lord, the response to those pedantically pointing out contradictions should be the words of Walt Whitman. “Do I contradict myself? Very well then, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” My Lord the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court having conquered the ultimate frontiers of the law have come to the point where mere reference to law does not satisfy. They have perhaps, evolved or grown out of the narrow, restricting confines of the law. There has to be more. Also, debates on formal legal points do not make for good breaking news television. The completely hypothetical, uncharitable and cynical observer might think that the remarks in Court and even parts of judgments are consciously or subconsciously designed to make for good sound bites and punch lines. Dismissing Dr Qadri’s petition on standing (locus standing), timing and bonafides would have been quick, yet it would not have fed our need for drama. The fact that millions of overseas Pakistanis sending billions of dollars of remittances probably would have been unnerved is ancillary to this desire, it seems. What is a bit of xenophobia, if it makes for punchy television tickers, right?
It is difficult to pinpoint the precise moment when My Lords transcended from mere jurists to the great, timeless, moral and political philosophers. Yet, the earliest clear indications were in the NRO judgment. The question before the Court was an important, yet not particularly exciting one; namely, if the NRO was a valid piece of legislation or not. The proceedings and the judgment were nothing if not exciting. The evidence considered was derived from assorted sources, from the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (RA) to the Holy Quran, from The Way of the World by Ron Suskind to the designs of the CIA. The (290-page) judgment is a captivating read. One of my Lords narrates the history of the subcontinent from the time of Aurangzeb to the present, reproducing a speech made by Lord Macaulay on the floor of the British Parliament in 1835, and then there are excerpts from the Shahab Nama, Sheikh Saadi, Rumi’s Masnavi. There has been no looking back; the reference to law gradually began to thin, while Hafiz, Rumi and Khayyam took the centre stage. It was in relation to the same case (the implementation proceeding) that one of My Lords penned the masterpiece “Pity the Nation” and a prime minister was sent packing.
One is reminded of this for another recent reason; the Swiss authorities have refused to open the case against the president, for reasons of immunity. The brazenness of this act is disturbing. Do the Swiss not know that one prime minister has been sent home, the other summoned to court, the entire apparatus of the state practically halted for three years, the nation has been pitied, etc? Those who pointed out that the president has immunity were said to be evil, on the government’s payroll. We wait with bated breath for an expose by one of our investigative journalists to reveal that the Swiss attorney general is really a federal government (Pakistani) apologist; probably his degree is fake, etc. The hypothetical cynic might ask if it was necessary to go on with this for so long, particularly when sovereign immunity is not a contentious legal point — if ego and the need to be in the headlines had some play here. The cynic might even go so far to say if an apology is in order for wastage of time, resources and exclusion of other cases. Perish the thought; pay no heed to the conspiracy mongers.
My Lords have assumed the role of the great moral tutor of our times. A lesser man might not have taken suo-motu cognisance of the conspiracy against Master Arsalan and initiated the proceedings by himself sitting in the first hearing. Statutes, legal codes and codes of conduct are generic and for ordinary mortals. The Supreme Court is no longer just an ordinary court of law; it is a court of Justice, a modern day incarnation of the Solomonic ideal, almost a religious/mystical experience. Dr Qadri’s petition was not only an attempt to sabotage elections (which it was), it was also an opportunity for My Lords to define or at least ponder over questions of patriotism and loyalty to the country. Great minds, we have been told, think alike. The unity of opinion among My Lords is unprecedented in legal history. Not one major instance of dissent by one judge immediately comes to mind (the sole notable exception being the Mukhtaran Mai case). Hence, the whining that My Lords restrict themselves to the letter of the law, etc. should stop and we should just be grateful for the wisdom imparted.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 17th, 2013.
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the decision made whatsoever makes no sense in general... I don't understand the idea and cannot contemplate the fact that a malice like Qadri could be adjourned on such baseless accusations. He could have been dismissed on so many factors but seeing this ruling it is a bigoted yet a very disappointing approach courts are taking and in settling precedent completely obliterating the idea of jurisprudence in Pakistan.
Might have lost a case or some sort of personal vendetta against the SC judges, eh?
A wonderful analysis...indeed our SC judges think and act as if they are beyond law, beyond morality, beyond other mundane things...
Very aptly written!! The writer, who I guess is also a practicing lawyer, should be commended for this courageous effort considering the fact that the self appointed saviours of Pakistan sitting in the Supreme Court are not concerned about the nitty gritty of any law of Pakitan but the contempt law.
@Muneer: " To me, a ‘quo warranto’ petitioner, does not even require to show his ‘bonafide"
Supreme court does not have jurisdiction over quo warranto petitions, that is in the scope of High COurt. If it s quo warranto petition that Dr. Qadri wanted to make why did he do it under seection 184 (3) which relates to public interest and is not the correct petition for quo warranto and why did he go to the Supreme court?.
@ Saeed, Hilarious.
Standing ovation Saroop; after the superb NFP we have another Pakistani writer who hits it home with such eloquent satire. Keep it up!
Don't worry. The time will come.
was not the Memo case in Islamabad High Court ? We should not mix IHC with SC.
Exquisite piece
It is unfortunate that this august Court is seldom merely content with the formal legal arguments. Media (those who claim to believe in live and let live) and the Court are serving each other's interest. The Courts (mostly CJs) remarks (read opinions) in court are used as evidence by the commentators and CJ (Court) gives credence to the investigative reports by quoting the media reports. Media and Judiciary are mutually benefiting from this symbiotic relationship.
Although I love your articles but was lost after reading your latest article! It might be that I am recovering from Flu & my mind is unable to process your words into anything logical.
Hey moderator, what was wrong with my comments submitted hours ago ? Can you guys show some consistency?
any comment supported with rationale questioning the decision of judiciary can not pass the test of ET moderator. My previous comment got censored.. . .
Dr Qadri’s petition was not only an attempt to sabotage elections (which it was), ......
@author: how?
There was no malice in Dr, Qadris' petition.The real malice is shown by the judgement of the SC which has allowed massive rigging under an illegally constituted EC and has indirectly validated it. The ECP could have been properly reconstituted before the expiry of the present term of the National Assembly.But then the political parties in power(Centre/ Provinces)would not have been able to make "Prior" arrangements of rigging with the reconstituted EC,which seems to have been already reached, practiced and shown by the results of recently held byelections in all the provinces both for NA and PAs. 2) To me, a 'quo warranto' petitioner, does not even require to show his 'bonafide.No tangible evidence has been put on record to show malice or any act to sabotage elections..The author is in favour of the court to rely on letter of law.It should not base its judgement, by relying on intangibles or conjectures.The current law of Pakistan allows her citizens to take and keep dual nationality with all their rights intact,except,it debars them from being elected as a parliamentarian as long as they keep their dual nationality. 3) As regards, 'the whining to follow letter of law...', the courts, are apparently,following,'the law as interpreted by their lordship', and this interpretation is considered to be of divine origin'.
Petition could have been disposed in hours but SC/CJP and his fraternal brethren wanted to ensure that SC is hailed as a saviour of democracy yet again. There was hardly any need for this entire drama, tongue lashing, demeaning overseas Pakistanis and keeping the nation glued to TV channels for days; end justified the means.
A biting satirical Op Ed by a great legal scholar. Thanks ET for that. While the testimony of a shady and shifty Mansoor I who had no connection with Pakistan was against PPP and HH it was taken as a page from the holy books. Yet a Muslim Scholar with huge following (for fact) a a born Pakistani has been dismissed with great ridicule. Going Persian, Urdu poetry and moral sermons in high judiciary in Pakistan is not new. When there is no legal hearing or argument there nothing legal to quote in the court order. I can distinctly remember when LHC bench headed by Moluvi Mushtaq wrote their decision against ZAB and directed him being hanged there were pages and pages about his personal life and how he is not a good Muslim and does not deserve to be the head of Pakistan. The same language is still talked about in Pakistani courts and the conditions of Ameen and Sadiq are there to be used on the need basis. Like Gen Zia, My Lord also talks about as if he is God sent reformer to control the whole country with or without following the man made constitution.
Mr. Saroop Ijaz is highlighting the right concerns and is taking the points need to be taken by the lawyer community. I appreciate his courage and admire his way of saying it all, he is exceptionally good in his substance as well as style. Keep it up man :)
Don't give up your day job.
Since, as per the CJ, the dual nationals can vote but not interfere in politics, what are they going to do about MQM head's allegiance to the same queen?
Dr. Qadri's petition is thrown out( on technicalities) if the prescribed procedure in the constitution is not followed in the appointment of election commissioners perceiving it, by judiciary, an attempt to derail the election. . When all political parties including the opposition, are willing and eager for timely election the procedures could have been rectified.( if it was not followed properly earlier).Judiciary believes let the heaven fall ( due to judicial verdict). The judiciary l exceeded their boundary( judging what is right or wrong for the nation . Is it not similar to the doctrine of necessity and presuming judiciary as the nation's savior philosopher ?
Will the judiciary which pities the nation will take sou motto case against the killing of Hazara Shia in Quetta . and order all concerned to catch hold of the culprits( known to most)?
Biased article...long live CJ!
a masterpiece indeed.
How? I have no idea how you came to this conclusion. In fact the very fact that SC could not aptly take the case and became overly defensive kinda suggests that Qadri had a point or two.
@ali: He's scared of being accused of contempt of court :)
great article.
@Ali: How else would you address the Greater than life justices who are not delivering legal judgments but educating the nation with real and true justice? "My Lord" real does not do justice to such great minds. We are lucky to have them at the helm of our country at the moment. They are true "law givers" surpassing all previous law givers of history.
The petition by TQ should not have been admitted in the first place. Then the petition was dismissed or rejected on the grounds that TQ was a foreign national. SC has not been consistent in this regard. Many amongst the high and mighty of Pakistan are dual nationals. Some quckly go abroad after they demit office. The SC should have called into question their eligibilites too. The bottom line is no foreign nationals should be allowed to contest elections. The arguments about the loyalty to Pakistan of people who have acquired nationalities of other countries are at best emotional. This whole episode does not inspire confidence in the justices of SC.
A masterpiece once again Saroop. Keep up the good fight.
@ali: well , he is.
Excellant article.Let us take MY Lord's decision on TQ as kuffarah for its previous role on memo case or Swiss episode or NRO-May be!
How could one write such a fantabulous piece of satire!!!!
:) :)
I like the way the author switches from singular My Lord to the plural My Lords.
I am yet to decipher what the court said:"Dual nationals can cast their votes but they cannot meddle in the internal politics". I guess casting the vote in PAK has nothing to do with influencing the political outcome of the government!
Regarding double standards towards American versus Canadian - the reason should be obvious! In any case, no standard turned out to be a good thing for PAK, for now.
Now is this legal satire or what ?
whats with the "my lord''??? you sound so pompous