Balochistan: Chief secretary gets transfers, postings power

Before governor rule, public representatives were pressurising provincial secretariat to deploy officers of choice.

Mohammad Zafar January 18, 2013
Magsi says govt would take stern action against public servants using pressure tactics for their postings and transfers. PHOTO: EXPRESS/ BANARAS KHAN / FILE


The provincial civil servants of Balochistan breathed a sigh of relief as the governor has given chief secretary the full authority for their posting and transfers.

Prior to the governor rule, the public representatives were pressurising the provincial secretariat to deploy officers of their choice.

The initiative has ended the sense of anxiety among officers who were competent but were not politically well connected.

Balochistan Governor Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi has directed Chief Secretary Babar Yaqoob Fateh Muhammad to deploy the right persons at right place without ceding to any political pressure.

Magsi, presently the chief executive of the province, issued an order stating that the government would post and transfer public employees purely on merit.

Magsi has already given Fateh Muhammad a free hand to run administrative and financial affairs of the province.

Magsi said that all the powers are with the provincial chief secretary who will take decisions on merit and from time to time consult the government on important matters of the province.

The government, he said, would take stern action against public servants using pressure tactics for their postings and transfers.

After the implementation of governor rule in Balochistan, the provincial secretariat has started deploying officers waiting for posting. It is expected that following the initiative there will be no OSD in Balochistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 18th, 2013. 


Ashiq Khan | 11 years ago | Reply

The decision to give full authority to the chief Secretary, Babar Yaqoob Sb is commendable. He is the right person to deliver provided kept relaxed of the political pressures. as in the past. Our prayers are with the Government and people of Balochistan and wish a very good luck to the Chief Secretary

Fatima Ali | 11 years ago | Reply

Babar Yaqoob is one the few competent bureaucrats left in Pakistan. Highly educated, intelligent and HONEST!!!! lets see if he is given a free hand by the army as well

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