It’s Obama again: Four more years

Romney concedes defeat as Obama secures second term.

Huma Imtiaz November 07, 2012
It’s Obama again: Four more years


It was a nail-biting start to the day for Democrats, but by 11pm on election night, it was near certain that President Barack Obama was about to be re-elected as president of the United States.

It was a historic achievement, ending months of a bitter and hard-fought campaign between both parties. Republican nominee Mitt Romney made his concession speech in Boston, Massachussetts, shortly after Obama secured 270 of the Electoral College to be re-elected.

Telling supporters that he had called Obama to congratulate him on his victory, he added: “His supporters and his campaign also deserve congratulations ... I wish all of them well but particularly the president, the first lady and their daughters.”

Even before the pundits announced that Obama had won Ohio, a key swing state, the crowds had gathered at the White House in Washington, DC.

Securing 303 seats of the electoral college, President Obama told supporters at a Chicago rally, “Tonight in the election, you, the American people reminded us that while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America the best is yet to come.”

Speaking to supporters while accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Sasha and Malia, the US president said, “I have never been more hopeful about America. And I ask you to sustain that hope.”

The president ran for re-election on a platform of offering a “fair shot” to the middle class, of fulfilling his pledge to end the war in Iraq, killing Osama bin Laden, and of building a clean energy economy.

In Washington DC, on a chilly night as temperatures dipped to eight degrees centigrade, the crowds shouted slogans of “four more years”, “Obama” and “USA”, waving banners, Obama signs and pamphlets.

“I think the president definitely brings more qualities, not just in the political realm but social realm, for women, for minorities, in healthcare, equal pay, abortions – that’s kind of what I was hoping for when I voted for Obama,” said a student.

Abdul Rehman and his wife Layla, who had come to the capital from Columbia, Maryland, said that they voted for Obama and were down at the White House to support the president. “He’s someone that can be trusted,” said Layla.

Gail Cutler said she was visiting from New Jersey with her son, and the poll results had restored faith in America.

George, from DC, said, “For the next four years, I want him to uphold what he had started to do –  fair pay for women, women’s reproductive rights, student loans. Giving people more of a chance to get where the politicians are and the upper class is.” The US elections also saw the Republican Party retaining control of the House of Representatives, while the Democrats retained control of the Senate.

And in things to watch next – the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton had previously announced she would step down after the first Obama administration’s term ended. While her departure date has not been announced yet, many in DC have said that Senator John Kerry, currently chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is the front-runner to be appointed as the next secretary of state.

Meanwhile, the immediate focus for Obama and US lawmakers will be to confront the “fiscal cliff,” a mix of tax increases and spending cuts due to extract some $600 billion from the economy at the end of the year barring a deal with Congress.

(Read: Obama’s return)



Published in The Express Tribune, November 8th, 2012.


M.Ahmer Ali | 12 years ago | Reply

@Safia Abbasi: Excellent,much the best and august advocacy of Obama and definitely you would give your to Obama but your these words in favor of Obama can never take place in Pakistanis hearts but in the Pakistani leaders' hearts and as far as your this stance/standpoint is concerned "Pakistanis are angry at him for the drone attacks on the Taliban and terrorist that are killed.The drone attacks are in combination with the Pakistan Government who do not have the resources to rid themselves of this evil." then for your kind informations according to the fresh/recently statistical figures from the first day of drones' strikes' commencement to till now more than 2500 people have been killed in Pakistan.Would you like to explain that were all they the terrorists and why Taliban didn't start any their war's related activities against the US' and NATO's troops and the muslims before the attacks of US' and NATO's troops and by the Pakistani leadership's conducted operations in different Pakistani tribal areas against them on the commandments of Pakistani leadership's worldly master USA????? You are intentionally camouflaging the ground realities and truths that you provided the grounds/bases of increasing the terrorism in Afghanistan especially after the US' and NATO's troops invasion in Afghanistan....

Safia Abbasi | 12 years ago | Reply @M.Ahmer Ali ”Thank GOD its-obama-again-four-more-years” 1. 1-Make the lives of the muslims endangered and risky, 2-Weaken the US’ economy by increasing expenditures on useless war in Afghanistan, President Obama inherited a country in chaos from President Bush where the economy was falling into the worst recession this country has ever seen and he ENDED the war in Afghanistan which President Bush started to find Osama Bin Laden who happened to be in Pakistan in your backyard! 3-Increase the terrorism by fighting against the Taliban He has not increased terrorism the Taliban exist and expand in Pakistan because your political leaders do not have the will power to end their reign. 4-Endanger the lives of US’ citizens and diplomats in the Islamic world and increase hatred in the muslims’ hearts by his prejudicial policies regarding the Muslims. President Obama has been the most pro-Muslim President in America. Pakistanis are angry at him for the drone attacks on the Taliban and terrorist that are killed. The drone attacks are in combination with the Pakistan Government who do not have the resources to rid themselves of this evil. Americans are more safe there has not been a single terrorist attact and there have been many terrorist acts that were stopped and these young terrorist recruits were from Pakistan & Bangladesh. A young girl was nearly killed by the Taliban and the recent attack in Karachi proves that local citizens in Pakistan are in dire danger, so before you mouth off get your facts!
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