Blasphemy-accused girl: US finds case 'deeply disturbing'

Urges Pakistani government to protect religious minorities, women and girls.

Huma Imtiaz August 21, 2012
Blasphemy-accused girl: US finds case 'deeply disturbing'

WASHINGTION: US State Department says the case of an 11-year-old girl arrested in Pakistan on charges of blasphemy is "deeply disturbing."

According to a transcript of the press briefing, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said that they are calling on the Pakistani government to have the investigation into the matter in a transparent way.

In response to a question, Nuland said that they welcomed President Zardari's statement on the matter as well as the directive to the Interior Ministry to look into the case.

"We urge the government of Pakistan to protect not just its religious minority citizens, but also women and girls."

When asked about the blasphemy law, Nuland did not respond on how the law compared to other such laws.

"But as a general matter, concerns that in this case, what is being touted as an abuse or an intentional act for religious purposes may, in fact, have been something else."


Muhammad | 12 years ago | Reply

When someone from the outside criticizes corruption in Pakistan, it is an internal issue but when it comes to supporting muslims in burma, Pakistanis were shouting for the UN to intervene and then criticizing everyone for their inaction.

What a hypocrite nation are we!

Vikram | 12 years ago | Reply @Salma: But look at her – hypocrite – she only sees what she wants to see. and only speaks for a Christian girl. She doesn’t see those Pashtun children who are killed (not just detained) in drone attacks by CI or did she condemn the Panjwai shooting in Kandhar ? You are hypocrite are too, you don't talk about children and women killed by Islamic suicide bombers and FATA bombings. Pakistani airforce dropped over 10000 bombs on Fata region in last 3-4 months. Pakistan talibans have killed millions in Afghanistan. They killed 3 million in East Pakistani, no Pakistani even blinked an eye. Your government agents help in drone bombs and they get millions when terrorists are killed..
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