The Indian interior ministry had claimed that most of the threatening mobile phone text messages and website images that spread panic among migrants from cities in the south and west of India last week originated in Pakistan.
According to AP, Home Secretary RK Singh told reporters that investigators had found that most of the Pakistani websites used images of people killed in cyclones and earthquakes and passed them off as Muslims killed in violence earlier this year to spread fear of revenge attacks. The sites have now been blocked in India.
Pakistan, however, has rejected the allegations.
"Instead of indulging in mud-slinging and blame game, it's time for India to address its internal issues," sources inside the Pakistani high commission told IANS. "Such comments only widen the trust deficit."
Thousands of students and workers from India’s northeast fled Mumbai, Bangalore and other cities, fearing retaliation for recent violence against Muslims in Assam, one of the states in their far-flung corner of the country.
The false rumours of Muslim revenge attacks were fuelled by threats posted on social media websites and spread through text messages. Migrants were also alarmed by misleading images that purported to show victims of mass killings.
Earlier, an Indian interior ministry spokesperson had said that after checking and verifying, they could say with responsibility that the bulk of text messages spreading rumours about the northeast region had come from Pakistan.
Clashes between indigenous people in Assam and Muslim settlers from neighbouring Bangladesh have killed 75 people and displaced more than 400,000.
I think India did this but then tried to blame Pakistan as to justify an internet tightening control system for India. But to test it, they added the "Blame Pakistan" impetus.
If these youtube links makes you feel better about Indian cancer of communal divide and reduce the deprivation among india's NE people then keep watching it and chill, as I suggested you before.
I am a regular viewer of Najam Sethi shows so I will give this link back to you so that you could think/wish/pray someone like Najam Sethi born in India who has courage to tell the people like you to do some introspection and stop blaming Pakistani SMS and morphed photos for your society’s ugly social and communal divide.
@Naeem Siddiqui: OK fine.. This video is from a Pakistani talk show
Nice youtube link when I saw the name of an American bureaucrat I stopped watching it because I don't want to waste my time watching interviews of historical liars on this planet who lie to their own people and the world and most recent lie is Iraqi WMD.
By his own words he is a Bangladeshi residing in India.
How about based on truth?
Indian trolls and hate clan is highly active on this site and ET is doing nothing about this.
@Naeem Siddiqui: I have a video for you as answer, watch it fully. .
I am working in a western country and finds no problem calling myself Pakistani and did not find a single Pakistani I knew calling himself/herself indian
indian governement's blame on Pakistan for NE exodus is a topic of joke not only among Pakistanis but indians as well, I did not find a single indian who is endorsing governemnts account of blaming Pakistani SMS they all are calling it UPA governemnts ploy to divert attention from a real problem of communal divid in indian society and illegal migration from bangladesh.
Ok! all these NE exodus is becouse of 'evil SMS' sent from Pakistan, now go chill and relex.
Any news about Pakistan has a negative connotation. It must be hard to be a Pakistani and face the world with all this negative aspects about Pakistan out in the open.
@Zeta: OK..India is an intolerant country.India has blasphemy laws.Minorities are fleeing India.India is ranked among failed nation.India is considered as an international migraine.Indians abroad hide their identity & call themselves Pakistani. chill out & relax.
indians come here and give us lecture on tolerance of minorities. Last time i checked, Babri Masjid, Gujarat Riots, Assam Riots, Kashmir Massacre, Sikh genocide 1984, Christian massacre in Orissa, Discrimination of dalits all happened in india.
@Hamid: Not just this one bro,,, & its not just India... hahaha
These people are running scared of MUSLIMS!
Thats say much!!
To indian brothers commenting here. Stop crying and blaming everything on here. Social media and mobile messages are full of wrong information. Try addressing your internal issues before calling us a failure. This is a clear indication of how insecure a common indian feels inside india. The exodus itself is a shame for you. When around 250 (don't know if families or people) visit india for a pilgrimage, you call it migration and raise fingers at minority rights in pakistan. There you have 500,000 refugees which is an actual exodus not some speculation and you have the courage to blame pakistan of messages and social media photos? Shame on you
As an Indian Muslim,I need to clarify that I've received few Facebook messages from unknown person having links to websires related to Assam and Rohingya violence and asking Indian muslims to step up and protest against it.I confirmed this with my sister,she too received such messages from unknown persons.
I can easily tell you that this is a systematic scheme done by a group of people who are sending this to all Indian muslims they can find on Facebook.
I request all the Pakistanis to please ask your citizens to stop this.This issue has given a bad name to all Indian Muslims and in turn every muslims,as people look at muslims to be blood thirsty imbeciles who would fight even without knowing the situation.
We are having a good relationship with the majority Hindus.I dont want that to be broken and my country become a minority hating country like yours
A bad name is worse than bad deeds. Is infiltration of illegal Bangladeshis also Pakistan's fault? And what about protests in Mumbai that turned violent?Were those protestors Pakistanis too?Sending text messages can lead to such a huge exodus, Unbelievable!! Even many Indians suspect statements made by Home Secretary RK Singh,thinking is it a way to direct their anger towards Pakistan rather than looking internally and other scams and issues.
If there was no Pakistan the road from Kabul to Delhi was the simplest route for Pathan tribes to rule the subcontinents .
Yes you are right. There are groups in Pakistan controlled by the Establishment that engage in misinformation and brainwashing to achieve the internal and external goals of the Pak Establishment. It is not far fetched to imagine that the Pak Establishment sponsored groups are behind the misinformation campaign to scare Assamese people working in different parts of India. The Indian interior ministry does have solid proof of these messages coming from across the border. If this is true, and there is good reason to believe it is true based on ISI's anti-India activities in the past and present, shouldn't good Pakistani citizen be worried about these activities that undermine the peace process, rather than outright rubbishing the Indian charges?
The whole world blames Pakistani establishment for its acts of destabilization of South Asia region. Didn't we have the proof of this when bin Laden was caught living comfortably inside Pakistan apparently hidden by the Pak establishment?
So, what is in the real interest of Pakistan- continuing to deny the nefarious activities of the Establishment or coming clean and purge the system of these Deep State actors and make Pakistan become a respected member of the global community?
Pakistani agencies have captured India.
@It Is (still) Economy Stupid: We get calls from Pakistan saying that we have won a prize or lottery.How did a Pakistani get a UAE,or Indian number.In UAE,they mention Etisalat and in India its Vodafone or Airtel.Send a SMS to a person and he will forward it to his friend,if he believes it to be true.In the current situation,the news would have spread like wildfire. Rehman Malik as usual denied it.At least he should have asked India to provide the IP address.
@V. C. Bhutani: IT guys confirmed that the bulk SMS originated from Pakistan.Its a simple matter to trace the IP address.It was only then that Singh mentioned Pakistan
Indians are so sensitive that even a bad thought in Pakistan makes them tremble and run away. They should take this serious issue to UN security council.
You Indians why are you killing minorities in Assom and other places?
Remember what happens when our (Indians) patience runs out. Then you Pakistanis will not be laughing, you will all be lined up and laying down your arms. Learn something from history.
This reminds me of the two most wanted terrorist that India was accusing Pakistan of harboring. One of them was already in some Mumbai jail and the other was living with his mother in Maharashtra.
The situation is so worse that if there is some disease spreads in any location, indians will start blaming Pakistan, So funny
Pictures about violence in Myanmar were indeed tampered and on the very website of Express Tribune there was a blog which highlighted the issue.Too much wrong or distorted information and urban legends do make rounds via orkut,facebook,text messages and emails.Ten years back there was one which said flip the name and logo of Coca Cola and after careful viewing you'll notice Blasphemous remarks.Obviously many Pakistanis also took part in forwarding that email.But Coca Cola is still available in Pakistan and many other Muslim countries.Did anything happen to their offices anywhere on the planet?
And it's true that many Pakistanis due to their ignorance and lack of information shared pictures that show"genocide of Muslims" commited by Buddhists in Myanmar on their blogs,websites and facebook pages.However, if any Indian Muslim gets mad after watching them, and out of frustration and anger commits some crime,then isn't it responsibiliyy of his parents to keep a close watch on their son if he's under 18 or the citizen himself if he's educated,adult and mature enough to understand what law & duties of a citizen are.Both morphed pictures, and their clarification and rebuttal were present on Pakistani websites,if someone didn't read it properly and fully then what's the fault of the website? Didn't know that such internet contents and text messages have some tehcnical hypnotic ability to brainwash and control minds of educated Indian youngsters,leading them to carry out riots?
This allegation is so ridiculous that it's not worth commenting on.
Firstly, am an Indian.
Now: This explanation is so shoddy, and is such a massive lame excuse that I cannot stop laughing. Lets for a moment assume that the SMS originated in Pakistan, or even false images are coming from there.
Its the people finally, who got influenced who are to blame. its and indian problem and we must solve it without playing vote bank politics.
Nothing good comes out of Pakistan except great food.
@ammar: We will only sleep peacefully when these people return back and live without any fear in the cities where they were working. They are poor north-eastern Hindus who were working in big cities struggling to make ends meet. Just because there is a problem between the tough Bodo Hindus and the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in the NE, these people have been threatened. Sorry Ammar, we the Indians are worried about these people and not SCARED. Takes a lot to scare us. Yes if we are emotionally blackmailed, like we are being now, it hurts us. Hope things are clear now. Don't get too excited.
@all Pakistanis
You are just making Modi stronger lol!
This is sheer stupidity. people from all parts of the world have an access to any website on internet, irrespective of the nation it belongs to. Like Many Indians reading ET on net. The information provided on these sites may be false or true. Some of these sites/blogs may originate from Pakistan. It does not make Pakistan or its people guilty of spreading rumors in India. Similar allegations found their way from Pakistan when the Kamra airbase was attacked and some Hindus migrated ( supposedly) to India. It is said that India is behind this. The Present leadership of India is so weak that they can not manage to do such thing in their own country.
The leadership of both the countries should abstain from making such loose statements.
The people who are defending here pakistan are the same who have send these SMSes , MMSes and morphed photos such that communal tension arises in india . They can see hindu and muslim living peacefully .False news like killing of muslims in myanmar and assame and morphed pictures are being uploaded on facebook . Some people are pressurising the media to show the false news on the name of islam.
This is nothing. ISI has been blamed for spreading diseases in India in the past. Even the sewage system blockages used to be blamed on ISI. Now, Indians are giving us lectures on being paranoid about other intelligence agencies.
It is funny how gullible Indians have become after living in 'Bollywood Fantasy' for so long, they believe their government instantly, without asking second question.
India Shinning indeed - this fragile entity has so many fault lines and its people so insecure and bigoted. We don't need to worry about this large confused mass of humanity.
After reading the comments, I think posting doctored images on the internet is not considered to be a big deal in Pakistan. But in India, it is a serious crime. Indian media is not saying that SMS/MMS were sent from Pakistan. Some Indians used the material from these sites and sent threatening MMS for which 12 have been arrested and more are expected. The fact is that nothing is anonymous on the internet. A thread can be traced even after 10 years.
these indians never cease to amaze me with their bigoted stupidity
Unlike Pakistan, India does not make allegations without evidences. Pakistan has the habit of laughing out first, then showing disbelief, then mouthing denial, then ignoring when the evidence stares at you, and then playing the victim.
The reaction to Mumbai attacks, the Parliament attack before that, etc started along the same lines.
If India makes these statements at the official level, Pakistan needs to take notice and act on it. Its for Pakistan's own good, as many have told umpteen times.
shame on you indians. can't find a culprit why worry Pakistan haina sab dal do un ke sar. afterall its all you can do else than whining.
Wow...we don't need nukes to beat India, just Mobilink!!
Breaking news: A dog has died on a roadside footpath in India. Preliminary investigations imply the involvement of Pakistani ISI.
This is obviously a conspiracy against Pakistan +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I think its time to sue a la Sun.
i agree with all pakistanis's the incompetency of indian govt....plain and simple....why is this happening in india, when violence in myanmar has already's the sheer incompetency of govt..who couldn't have the guts to alienate the minority vote bank..
Pakistan has tried its best to unsettle India before also ie sending terrorists across the border, sending fake Indian currency, unprovoked firing at LoC and now cyber warfare, but each time it has failed miserably except causing some hiccups.
where are all those pakistanis who are masters of conspiracy theories, but can't see through the simplest of the consequences that this incident would lead to.
first ask question, who would benefit from the situation?
congress? hardly..they are the rulers....any untoward incident would be catastrophic for them....whether it happens to hindus or muslims, as they are the ruling govt...
regional parties? doesn't seem so....for, in difficult situation...national parties have more, it is the national parties...who are going to benefit.... and then remains BJP....AND, with polarisation on the lines of religion, it's the bjp only which would benefit....for, majority of votes which props congress is still hindu vote....
AS someone above commented that hindus are so coward that with sms's only they are fleeing, what would happen if a muslim comes in front of them: for you i would tell you only one thing, that your ancestors were not only more powerful, but more intelligent too....perhaps with cousin marriage, you have lost both...
because, fleeing hindus on television, would make the other hindus anxious, and in desperation, they would seek support of right-wing organisations...and, thus they would lend support to BJP and sister organisations....hence, bjp would come to corridors of power without doing much, without worrying, you think that would have been accomplished had they quelled the migration in the initial stages.....
and, regarding blaming pakistan, i think, that is idiotic, because the govt. doesn't won't to alienate it's vote bank by naming, in this attack....i, though do not have any authority....would exonerate ISI and's sheer incompetence of the govt....otherwise why did they fail in stopping mob-violence in lucknow, allahabad and kanpur...
Million dollar question is how did person(s) sending these SMS and images knew that these mobile numbers belonged to people form North East ethnicity living in a different state? Do these people have such a detailed list for people with other ethnic background and what there intentions are in the future?
why dont we accept that Pakistani ISI and army support these terrorists organisation not only in india but also created and funded Talibans which killed muslims in masses we pakistanis are happy because they serve interest of pakistan? . grow up pakistan this world will not accept now terrorism and we are still supporting them indirectly. pakistan should solve problems diplomatically rather than use islam to kill innocent pakhtoons muslims shame !
The Indian home secretary should have been careful about his facts and his evidence. If he did not have evidence on the subject that would stand scrutiny under Indian laws and international law, then he should have kept quiet. If he has such evidence, then he should come forward with it and prove to the rest of the world what the facts of the situation are. Otherwise, charges of this kind shall draw no better premium than Pakistan’s earlier allegations that India was fanning the secessionist movement in Baluchistan. Neither side should speak without proper evidence. Trust deficit shall remain as long as Pakistan is wedded to terror as an instrument of its policy and its continued support to its “assets”, whom it hopes to use after the US-led Isaf leaves Afghanistan. V. C. Bhutani, Delhi, India, 19 Aug 2012, 1820 IST
It is disingenuous for India to blame Pakistan in this matter. It is a poor reflection on the Govt. of India to claim some obscure website somewhere is the sole reason for the panic migration of Indians within India. Quite and embarrassment for the Indian govt. yearning to join the league of more advanced and enlightened nations.
It is heartening to see that there are still people in Pakistan who are busy spreading the message of love and friendship with India, rather than spreading lies. Here is the story of one such Pakistani:
I wish there were more people like Haider Ali in Pakistan.
@Ali: I think you've forgotten the past. Go back and read history [not what is taught in your schools] and then you will know.
Nitish, don't pay any attention to this Antanu guy. He is one of our esteemed neighbors from Western borders and continues to post as an Indian even after getting exposed many times already :)
someone plz sing a swet song for these scared indians,so that they can sleep peacefully
Thank you Mr. Secretary for finding out who is responsible. What me and the rest of Indians are interested in is this - what, if anything, are you going to do about it? I mean besides raising the issue through diplomatic (read bureaucratic) channels, and then swallowing whatever response you get.
@antanu g: What is so funny about this? At least now the victims will know what is the truth and will return back to their places of work.
@kumar: as if india is a successful country.!!!
".....accept the fact that the NEs were scared not because Pakistanis told them to be, but because of the way they and the Muslims are treated by your Hindus! .."
By the way the persons who fled are Hindus. Worry not- we will deal with this also.
@dlink: The people who left are very poor people who were fighting for survival in bit cities. Try threatening me!
Old Indian tactics to cover its failure to blame Pakistan. Rundown Indian mentality.
@Fahad: not us, the poor assamese! They interpreted the messages wrongly, as coming from us the the Indians, not from yourselves. Baat samajh mey aayee!
hahahaha "if " by just sending smses Pakistan can make india on the verge of breaking then just imagine what would happen if Pakistan really wants to ....... Poor indians
@Asad khan: We dont recognize asmese muslim as indegeneous one.They r illegal migrant grabbing the land of native bodos.I know .congress wants to hide themselves from real issue while making such a cheap statement.We indian dont even heed to it.There were clear incidents of beating student from north east in pune.A message cannot instigate people to exodus.This govt is not understanding the seriousness of matter or either afraid of addressing main issue.Every body is charged up and the god only knows what will happen if the clash starts in different part of india.No body is ready to give them land in any part of india .
just wonder if we really need nukes ...we can defend ourseleves with bunch of sms..LOL
It is Indias moral responsibility to protect the Assamee muslims.Dont let it be second Gujrat.Banglore and mumbai people need not leave their homes.Pakistan is too small a country to attack cant afford to be an agressor.India and pakistan will live s good neighbours.
For all those who are commenting , let us pause our judgement till further details emerge.. Indian home secretary has no motives to comment like this while the situation in south has already been brought under control. Thieves never confess until crossed with undeniable truths.
Again for those who make fun, Have we not seen similar dis-belief from you immediately after Mumbai attacks? . Till few years back,Official Pakistan kept denying that there were terror cells within Pakistan , all those denials have been proved wrong. Pakistan's approach to terrorism has been a history of denials in a descending order. Official Pakistan will soon reach a stage when there is nothing more to deny.
Fact is that there is uncontrolled extremism & terrorism within Pakistan which the officials have encouraged in the past. Now it is their turn to be in self denial.
Reforming any society starts with openly accepting the facts, I suppose that is leadership,. till that is done , I do not see any end to this paralysis within Pakistan..
However we need to separate the official Pakistan from its people who are largely innocent of this mischief.
Nothing unexpected. Indian Government has stopped SMS's from Pakistan to India for 15 days. We are building peoiple to people contact. Best of luck to both sides.
shame on pakistan.
Wow....I cant believe Indians in this forum (and in general) are so ignorant....I mean Pakistanis did not go and kill people in Assam! The argument given here by the Indians is so pathetic...its like people in Pakistan start leaving areas near Wagah border after watching "ek tha tiger" or some propaganda film! hahahha You know Indians apna dil bhara karoo and accept the fact that the NEs were scared not because Pakistanis told them to be, but because of the way they and the Muslims are treated by your Hindus!
@Saqib: Totally Agree.I do not understand why Pakistan does not utter a word in this regard.
@Salman: Exactly, this is the mindset of creating terror, panic and seeking enjoyment out of other's misery is what is causing downfall of Pakistan.
I m just getting sick of congres govt.It has lost all the moral right to be on chair.It is just now playing like rehman mallik.Accusing others is mere an excuse while the facts r different.Congo act in right direction.
@Naumann Malik: Which question?
@Waka Waka: Rumour does not necessary imply false but means "an unverified account or explanation of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event, or issue in public concern".
Indians are blaming Pakistan because they are failed to protect their 2nd majority people in their country. Actually India is responsible for whatever is happening in balochistan.
I wont be surprised if they start blaming Pakistan for every child born in India.
Btw this is the most funniest news I have came across recently. Let me send some SMS to Indians...hopefully there will be a huge civil war with millions of human displacement in next few days :d That will be surely interesting to see :d
hahahha typical of Indians ..blaming everything on Pakistan :d
The next time Manmohan Singh sneezes four times, the Indians can blame Pakistan for sending the virus. The anti-Pakistan "kichri" is always kept ready in India just waiting to be served after adding a "tarka of lahsun and piyaz" whenever the situation arises.