“At the time when his house was being constructed, there was no mention of where the money was coming from in his tax returns. I am presenting documents regarding a person who did tax evasion for 30 years and did money laundering,” said Chaudhry Nisar, and added that Khan has no livelihood but has international bank accounts.
“When alleging others, he should at least look at himself first. We don’t claim to be angels. Yes, we did some mistakes in the past. But he claims to be an angel. He says he can end tax evasion within 90 days when he himself has evaded tax all his life.”
Clearing Nawaz Sharif
Clearing allegations against Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif, Chaudhry Nisar said that his flats in Mayfair were not hidden from anyone and they were bought on loans. “It has been almost 20 years since the flats were bought, but the loans have still not been paid back. It is not something unusual, it is on record.”
Chaudhry Nisar added that all of this is mentioned in the tax returns of Hassan Sharif which also tells where the money came from.
“He [Khan] makes tall claims over here. Why doesn’t he go to the courts over there [London] and say that the flats were bought via money laundering or through wrong means?”
He added that the business is being done by Nawaz Sharif’s children, so they will come and clarify the allegations. “You should also stop hiding behind Shaukat Khanum and respond to the documents I have produced.”
Chaudhry Nisar claimed that the agenda of Khan is similar to that of Interior Minister Rehman Malik and President Asif Ali Zardari. “You brought Raymond Baker’s book in your press conference… In that same book, the most number of allegations are against Asif Zardari. But you don’t see anything against him, you didn’t bring them to the people.”
He added that in the same book, there were several accusations against army generals but Khan did not expose them either.
“You should have been obliged to mention the truth. The allegations in the book, with a footnote, are attributed to an interview of Rehman Malik.
“All eleven accusations you posed are the same as those posed by Rehman Malik when Benazir Bhutto was in power. Some were made into cases, rest are all baseless accusations.”
@Wahab Khan Afridi: afrifi bro !!!! they r electoral alliance and nothin else pti has not merged into ji and awami tarikh .. and when it comes to army then i guess the army is made up of pakistanis and they r humans and they also have needs ... they also see the corruption goin on by two parties.... i guess imran khan is a good leader with genuinly nice intentions ... if he hadnt had the good intentions for pakistan then he wudnt hav built cancer hospital and namal university and also now he is building a new cancer hospital in kpk which inshallah will b build sooonn inshallah... and as a leader he will deliver inshallah...
@imran: Dear Imran, this is not the case, we comment on what we believe, and I am sure this is the case with you also? Look at new failed attempts of alliance with sheikh Rasheed, IK is not true leader to be trusted for our / your future. Where are his children, both boys and girl, what nationality they have, what religion they have, and he criticize others when he is more dirty than any one else in the field. Love you all who are intrested in change but you are on the PTI side which is wrong side, just evaluate your future if this is the way, it leads to zerdari for next 5 years.
imran khan has been brought in to keep the status quo! not change it! this is so very frustrating! we are so easily fooled. god help us please
@Mohd Butt: again butt saab i see a kashmiri against imran khan not against nawaz shareef ..
strong text The greatest thing that can happen for Pakistan is Imran.. these guy's ( PPP & the rest of the other hoods have rotted Pakistan at the cost of the people of Pakistan
There are two types of mindset here... ppp & the other hoods "is us first."... and then IK mindset that is " People of Pakistan first " Not only IK is the best human to run for Pakistan and I wish we had more Imran's kinda mind people around the world, it too would be an honest and safer place to be . WE pray that the misrey of Pakistan is coming to an end ! With IK
Integrity of chief justice , President , PM , Speaker , leader of opposition , IK all are doubtfull . In fact integrity of the entire country stand doubtfull . Declare it a secular state in order to restore it .
Imran Khan has been playing county cricket in Britain and minting $$ and pound sterlings through match fee and bettings, which he has already confessed in his biography. Despite being a resident Pakistani national, he has never paid any tax on such income and, failed to file tax returns till 1991. This is a clear violation of Income Tax Ordinance 1979 (now merged into Income Tax Ordinance 2001). After cricket betting he has been flourishing on Zakat and donations that he has squandered in betting on property in Qatar.
The truth is that Nawas Sharif is even more corrupt than Zardari, if you sum up the amount he stole in the form of Raiwind palace, money laundering Nadeem Qureshi(Houses in UK), kickbacks in Motorway and in Tax evasion etc etc will be more than the amount we are looking forward to get back from Swiss Bank.PMLN IS DESPERATE TO DISTORT IMRAN KHAN`S HONEST AND SINCERE IMAGE AND HIS CHARISMATIC PERPONALITY.
Why don't people get realistic? The only people who pay taxes, world wide, are the middle class and the poor. The wealthy and corporate entities do not pay taxes; end of story. The majority of taxes are paid by the middle classes, and they are lucky if they get the old age pension. This goes for many countries. Australia, for example, is a classic case (and many others) of rob the middle class and pay them nothing. It is unfortunate that Pakistani contributors seem to feel that they are the only people in the world who are being screwed. I have news for them. The Western Governments are absolute masters at screwing people without power. I have noticed that Pakistani and Indian people seem to think that the Western streets are paved with gold. It is a different story when they get there. After a while, social security dries up and you have to look after yourself. Then you get old, and after paying all your taxes you go hungry, but the really wealthy live very well. However, keep up the pressure on the Pakistanis who do not pay taxes. Wealthy people in the West get away with it, but best of luck in Pakistan.
PTI should thank PMLN for the free publicity they are getting because of their shoddy press conferences and baseless allegations .
Seriously when Imran Khan was out of Pakistan a few days back for fund-raising, PTI seemed a dead-wood and then came these press-conferences and now you see PTI- Members back on every single talk show and we all know that PTI members has nothing to do with SKMH but because of PMLN or should i say Thanks to PMLN , these PTI workers/leaders/representatives are back on the Tv-Talk shows .
Great work PMLN you fools i wonder who gives you these ideas. If i were PMLN i wouldn't even say a word on the opposition which benefits them in any single way
@imran thats dr tariq chaudary you dont know him!
Imran All the way... CH Nisar wanna be petroleum minsiter...
Lowly figures like these must be sent home by our voters, else we are destined to doom.
like anyone would believe this lota lol
shame on nisar .. luk who was sitting with him in his press conference.... anjum aqeel and everybody knows him.....
@Raja Islam: If IK goes to public meetings, he should use PTI money to do so. Before you ask where that money comes from, it's from donors like myself. I'm a small donor, but I know there are thousands and thousands like me.
@Raja Islam: You probably know Imran Khan more intimately than I do to be able to comment on his luxurious lifestyle (and spare me the 300 canals since that's well documented, you talked about lifestyles). What is wrong with living well if it's through legal and ethical means? Imran Khan was the highest paid cricketer of his day, and now can earn through commentary and writing. It's not like he used his political office and public funds to build a personal fortune. But I'm sure the lifestyles of Zardari and/or Sharifs are fine and dandy in your opinion.
@Tamoor: "Why doesnt nawaz come on himself instead of sending his slaves to ditch imran,"
Chaudhury Nisar is leader of the opposition. Imran is not even an MNA. Using words like slave to descrie Chaudhury Nisar shows your lack of respect for democracy. Imran should address facts instead of worrying about who mentions those facts.
also Imran is trying to equate himself to Nawaz Sharif since both are party leaders. This is trange to say the least. Nawaz Sharif has been the PM of the country twice and his party even today is in power in OPunjab which is the largest province in Pakistan. PTI on the other hand had one MNa (Khan himself ) elected until 2008. He may have gained popularity a lot in recent times but that does not make his stature identical to Nawaz Sharif.
As an indian, I am neither pro-PTI or pro-PML-N. But I really hope that democracy succeeds in Pakistan and for it to do so, people will have to adopt some democratic norms.
Mussa Qasim if taken as Imran sons legally are richest Pakistani as they inherit 600 million dollar today. Imran will never tell this nation true facts .he has been put on agenda to damage nawaz sharif.
ASSLLAM O ALLAIKUM brother,s CH nisar said :"why ik can not going in court??? if he is asking he is truth he should to go in court and proof him self......and why he can not mention other,s person,s from the book??? and why he just targeting PML-N ??? because he know,s well just pmln in that one which one give him a taff time..and CH..NISAR said he is semiler like rehman malik and zardari maffia......ALL political partes targiting pmln.....why??? can tell me who is not corrupt in pak politics??? GREAT ANS BY THE CH؛؛NISAR
Nawaz Sharif took loans of millions of Dollars just to buy flat in Mayfair?? How is it possible?? How it possible that a bank give you such a huge amount without any pay back guarantee? And how a person can invest his money in foreign accounts with a bank money??? LIAR!!!
@Awans: Your comments about IK are apparently right, but not regarding Khalifa in Islamic history, people have been questioning Kahifas, dont' u remember famous part of history regarding Hazrat Umar RA, where someone questioned his source of new clothes
Shame on PML (Nikamma) League !
Why every time our establishment hi jacked our young generation some time in the name of ZAB, then Nawaz Sharif, MQM, Mian Azhar and now IK?? Question is when they say no to establishment a propaganda started against them. So where should be our youngs when "thay" will corner IK. Off course they will be with army and gossiping corruption of IK. So dont be foolish I have only one reason to believe Nawaz sharif that every one every party of Pak is against him. Why? is he worst than Zardari, ANP, MQM??? Some realities: Before 1997 there was no investment of NS out side our country. All cases are Perviaz musharraf era. Its Musharaf who transfered his assets to Jaddah to force him to never come back. Mian sharif invested his life for Pakistan industry. When Musharaf was throwing him outside pakistan where was our"---------Nation". The same will happen with IK and we will start same proces. So lets start it further with same leaders.
@Z: So we can assume that if one plays cricket for say ten years then he can live on the earnings for the next 30 years without having to work. Its not just subsistance living, but is an opulent and luxurious lifestyle that we are talking about here.
@adeel ahmed: Money laundering is not the process of transferring money overseas, but is the process of oney obtained by illegal means or money that tax has been not paid on being put to use that makes it appear to be legit.
The question here is what is Imran Khan's source of livelihood. You cannot live a fancy life and travel around the country holding public meetings without a substantially large income.
@Umar: Morality of your leader IK is that he disown out of wed girl doughter, Tera khan, proofed in court of law that he is father, keeps his both son out of Pakistan, what religion they are having? What nationality they are having, and this brown Khan accuse others, claims to be loyal Pakistani? No courage to own his doughter? How can he claim that He will bring changes in pakistan? Cheat Lier, unfaithful to his children, can not be be believed as leader of change.
The more they attack and accuse him, the more desperate and stupid they look.
@ Z No need of research just one word from I K
@Umar: She was a human being and she and her daughter with IK were wronged .
@Mountie, Imran and everyone else has the right to point finger at Nawaz and Co because they are ruling us on public money and they hold public seat that entails accountability. Imran doesn't hold public position. Let us ask them what they did in last five terms in power.
@Z: Please give me valid proof. I dont talk in the air. Claiming is easy but talking with evidence is pretty hard actually.
@Hasan: There is not Tax for extortion as per our national constitutions. So yeah they stand apart.
@ Awan with all the deficiencies , mr khan is a national leader and not just a regional politician like Nawaz shareef with his minion Shahbaz shareef,, Nisar alongwith his leaders is frustrated The way they have corrupted the judiciary and weakened the democracy by attacking democracy ,PPP is not going to give PMLN any support
@R.A: Please do a little bit of research and find out how much taxes he's paid in the last 10 years. It is in the public domain.
@Awans: Anyone who thinks the SKMT issue has not sufficiently been addressed/talked about must be living under a rock. Just saying that it hasn't been addressed doesn't make it so. Do you have a particular issue in mind that needs addressing? The 3 million dollars you talk about is still there, there have been NO losses. While endowment funds around the world have incurred losses, SKMT's has grown. To top it all off, just to pacify politically motivated critics, Imran Khan has put forth his Zaman Park house as collateral if there is a loss on that investment. I hope you did not know that before saying this issue hasn't been addressed. Otherwise it would be quite disingenuous.
So its become cheap propaganda if someone accuses IK of wrong doings, but its totally fine for him to raise fingers at others. Grow up people.Start listening to other people's opinions.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FZeS7v_cjk why could you not answer over this issure chaudhry sab?
*political stunts presented by PML-N and PTI *
PLEASE I.K Tell them howmuch tax you paid in last 10 years
@Blithe786: What has Sita white got to do with Pakistan? or Pakistani's. When PTI is accusing Zardari or Nawaz the accusation is about misuse of official power and public money.
Is Sita white your relative that you are so concerned? or is she the daughter of Pakistan?
Shame on PML N they have nothing but just to malign PTI in order to save their corruption
is he trying to trash talk I.K ?? Because he is doing a terrible job !
What it will look like if I.K comes face to face in election campaign to Mr.Nawaz?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2SbCW7K_YM
sir imran khan come out of skmt and reply, please take all charges leveid to court if you are clean. which sadly you are not.
Our vote is for PTI.
Both parties are corrupt to the core.
PTI supporters hold ur horses and just try to be neutral and a bit logical. You people are blindly supporting a person who didn't pay tax till 2002, alleged of illegal transfer of his 300 kanal plot, n various other scandals. No one is above the law. As u PTI supporters blindly supporting IK despite of charges against him, in the same way PPP supporters support Zardari despite of charges against them. IK should accept Ch. Nisar's challenge and should go to court if he is not liar. But IK is curropt not only financially but also morally so he will not go to court against Ch. Nisar.
In Islamic countries and in Islamic histories one Person always got the status of Khalifa and that Khalifa always remained an Angel and a Noble person and Unquestionable by anyone. This time Our Khalifa is Imran Khan and this is the state of our nation that People think it is democracy but at the same time they think that one individual cannot be Questioned. The people of Pakistan must revisit their Democracy concepts and also Stop Worshiping human personalities in a ways that makes you blind and with this behavior you make an Individual Impeccable. I am pretty much afraid right now as my friend went on the Level that he told me that Imran Khan is the new Imam Mehdi and Jesus will come in the years now. I dont know weather that Jesus is Musharraf or someone else but the situation in our democracy is not good at all.
Ch.Nisar we are not buying your stories now .
Khisyani Billi khamba nauche!!!!
What a bunch of losers
nisar sab we don't trust u on this issue! so plz get life don't waste your time on this issue and come in talk about real issues.......
@Z: Sir I have read these Tax returns of Khan Sahib. And I have seen Ch Nisar's press conference as well The points he mentioned in Press conference are absolutely right. Kindly see the the Tax return's of 30 years and then compare them with CH Nisar's allegations. Imran Khan is not a saint and in his Tax statements there are many ambiguities. Answering Emotionally is the easiest way to run away from reality. So far SKMT funding and in investing in the friend and trustee's company remained unanswered along with the Reimbursement of 3 million USD that why they are not being repayed back if there is a guarantee so Kindly first check out the Press Conference and then 30 Years Tax returns of Imran Khan and then comment here.
i dont why is media giving coverage to unwanted issues raised by chaudhary nisar and faisal raza abedi who daily call on press conference to taget world renowned personalities who are not only recognized as national as well as international assets. It is strange that Chaudhry nisar everytime harps on Imran Khan's Assets and property..atleast he should look at Imran khan's stardom during 80's and 90's ..he was one of the highest paid cricketer at that time and above all all foreign satellite channels beg him to do to commentary and match analysis.He is regularly called upon by recognised esteemed institutions fo lecture on social, political issues like world economic forum, India today conclave etc. I would like to ask Chaudhary Nisar, where does he stand vs Imran Khan?
@AJ: Nightmare PTI will have will be regarding Sita White and the disowned daughter ..
The way things have been made personal , things will go in that direction
man Now i see amateurs from PTI replying the top leaderhsip of PMLN. hahahah. Bring nawaz sharif out of his little safe spot or no body will take PMLN serious.
Another flighted delivery inviting IK to come down the wicket.... and get dirty
PTI is assigned a task by its masters to target PML-N only with baseless & abusive language,,,, it really interesting that instead of targeting the current ruling elite... PTI & IK have directed all its focus and energy towards PML-N.....
@Vikram: Sure you can file returns and show less than your actual income. But are you talking generalities or saying that is what Imran Khan did? His income in Pakistan was from cricket, which is run by a body controlled by the government, and as such deducts taxes. His international income was mostly in England and Australia from playing county and shield cricket. He has never held public office. I fail to see why people are so bent on slinging mud when this man has been been so open as to disclose how much taxes he's paid as far back as 30 years! Yet the same people are quiet about the Sharifs' money laundering.
Ch Nisar please explain Nawaz Sharif's return http://paknewscentre.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/nawaz-sharif-tax-return.jpg?w=220
Nisar, you can't get a good sleep after Sheikh Rasheed decision. Just a reminder that Tsnunami will hit Rawalpindi on Aug 13th.
Oh Ch.Nisar give it a rest already you are worst then that Speedy Gonzales film.
imran khan has lost credibility now after joining hands with JI, mullahs and Army.. i was his supporter bt nt anymore bcoz we pakhtoons were being fooled by JI in the name of Islam and Imran khan is again doing this again, he shud be ashamed of him self now
Nisar seems to follow Nawaz's dictate and has no substance of his own. Please watch this video and answer these questions posed by Shafqat Mahmood http://youtu.be/sluMhhem20I
Man ... IK's givin PML (N) sleepless nights! Can't even have nightmares lol
Here we go again! PTI alliance with Sh. Rashid is a thorn in PML N's side. Such an immediate reaction is obvious. The more they go after IK, the more popularity he gathers. Shaky start by the veteran political duds. Ch. Nisar is dissapointing.
The media needs to stop giving this man space. And Imran Khan should not reply to this man anymore.
@Z: One can file a tax return and not pay any tex or lot less tax then they should have paid.
PML-N panic is good for PTI.
Please say more of this stuff.
I donate to Shaukat Khanum more everytime I hear this.
Wadera ka beta zindabad!!!!!!!!!!
IK is the most talked about leader in pakistan these days, Everyday there are many columns in different newspapers about him, some in favour, some against him , every night there are many talk shows about him on different tv channels, Everybdoy talk about him on social media. Thats clearly his success.
ET why u changed the headline pic now ?
Now that it is becoming an everyday thing to hear one or other drama from PMLN, I am beginning to wonder if this is a tactic to engage IK & PTI unnecessarily...IK and PTI would be wise to stay clear of it. Don't give an ear to this drama. Just focus on organizational re-structuring, policy making, and grass root people awareness. PTI doesn't need to anything against PMLN and PPP. These bigger parties will decimate by themselves by next elections.
IK did an extremely poor job explaining the Oman land scandal . Why it was bought? Why through two shell companies? Then he mislead us on the bank g'tee ( or lack thereof ).
Instead IK has gone personal and attacked personal lives of Ch Nisar and NS . I found this very amusing given his history with the late Sita White.
"He says he can end tax evasion within 90 days "
He never said that, he said HIGH LEVEL corruption
PMLN panicing big time....they are finished.
Don't worry, he was just high on ephedrine.
Pmln is going down.
This character , Nisar , is not fit to be the leader of opposition PPP and other parties should ring a motion in parliament to remove him from the position
of course. he is a politician. right?
Ch Nisar is rightfully Nawaz's mulazam. Does he really not know the money the sharif brothers have illegally collected from the people of Pakistan?
And on top of this Ch Nisar is a person who was calling America a satan even though secretly he kept American citizenship for his wife and children. What a liar!
Audit every government department through private companies and heavily paid people. Give punishment to every one and dont spare a soul. (including yourself) You will achieve curruption free Paksitan.
BTW there were many countries who had this plague and got rid of it...so its nothing impossible..the fact is people of Paksitan want curruption to stay,....now thats another discussion.
Just One question from Nawaz Sharif:
" We know you belong to Rich Family of Pakistan but for investment in Steel Mill in KSA and Property Business (which Kh Asif think is Gambling) in UK, you must have transferred capital from Pakistan to UK/KSA, Just present the bank document of Money Transfer otherwise assume that it was transfer by Money Laundering".
It is good that children of Zia are tearing each other apart.
I would like to know how much property you and your wife own in the US since she is a US citizen. Imran was constructing the house with what money, I would say that you should look into his ex-wife's wealth, her father was Billionaire in England and she could have easily financed it and above all whenever taxes are paid abroad on properties and other incomes, taxes are not paid in Pakistan and vice verse. MY QUESTION TO YOU AND YOUR BOSS IS WHAT HAVE DONE FOR THE POOR PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN BESIDE BUYING PROPERTIES IN LONDON, HAVE YOU EVER BUILT ANY HOSPITAL OR COLLEGE OR EVEN AN ORPHANAGE FOR THE DESTITUTE IN PAKISTAN. PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME.
ppp and pml.n are going down very fast, ik and pti dont waste your time and energy by replying to these desperate and corrupt ppl
this nisar seriously needs a life ...