Holding a press conference at the Media Centre in Mathi, Malani handed a cheque worth Rs5 million to the press club administration and said that the cheque will remain with them for 15 more days.
Calling the ‘water car’ a fraud, Malani claimed that Waqar had fooled Federal Minister Khursheed Shah and the media representatives. He added that he was holding the press conference to save the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) from falling victim to a fraud.
Waqar, talking to Express News, asked Malani to tell him his car model and the number of cars, adding that he will prepare the car kits accordingly. “You will permanently run your car on it. It won’t be a test demonstration.”
Waqar added that he does not want to be “bribed” with the prize money and said that Malani should distribute that money among the poor.
Malani, in reply, gave Waqar 10 days to prepare the kits and run his car on water. He also expressed delight over not having to hand the prize money.
“He had hidden a Hydrogen cylinder in his demonstration on TV. He fooled everyone. I know it because I teach Physics. This is impossible,” alleged Malani. But Waqar claimed that he will run the car solely on distilled water and will not add fuel or anything else to it.
Waqar had earlier claimed that he can run a 1,000CC vehicle till 40 kilometres with one litre of water by attaching a small water kit in the car that separates hydrogen from water and supplies it to the engine.
Correction: An earlier version of the article incorrectly quoted Waqar as saying that he wants to be bribed. The error is regretted.
waqar you are all the world sucesfull
Every day that passes by that this fraud known as Agha Waqar is allowed to continue to fool the nation, my respect for this nation goes down. I cannot believe that there are enough people out there, many considering themselves scientists and educated folks, who still believe that there might be a chance that Agha Waqar might be on to something. Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy put it very eloquently, that this man is talking rubbish, has less understanding of science than an average school kid, and should be put in jail. Having seen Agha Waqar attempt to explain his theory behind the car, I completely agree with Pervez Hoodbhoy. What saddens me are the ignorant fools who add an 'inshallah' hoping that something true might come out of this. Wake up Pakistan! Stop expecting a Messiah to come out of the blue and walk on water (or in this case, run the whole country on water) , get off your lazy behinds and act to save your country from total collapse.
TRUTH: Pakistani Water Car invented by Agha Waqar & his team is indeed the greatest invention of mankind history: A Nation that has one of the most creative brains in the world has finally won.
Any wise person can understand at the spot that it is despicable crime to declare Agha Waqar a fraud with out finding physically any fraud in car that he has already demonstrated in front of top journalists politicians and many Ph.D's. Some theoretical Ph.D's has launched hate campaign against the greatest inventor of mankind history Agha Waqar. All objections of these some IRRESPONSIBLE Ph.D's do not carry any weight and sense. They WRONGLY claim, this invention violates laws of science; in fact it does not. The reason of their totally absurd claims is their jealousy against inventor & their inability to understand that new invention. Their universe of science has been stuck & confined to a blackbox called electrolysis. Just like a rusty deformed crooked needle of a retired old wall-clock that is stuck at one place due to its weak battery. So these some useless jealous Ph.D's have lost their faculty to think OUT OF BOX. They will not understand mechanics of this greatest invention unless they start to think out of box. Sometime they say, Agha is not engineer, so he cannot invent. But Edison the biggest inventor of history was too neither Ph.D nor even B.Engg. Ata Rehman & Hoodbhoy are driving their truck in wrong direction on one way road. Their all hue & cry is, that car cannot be run on electrolysis with battery but they do not know that method of Agha is ABSOLUTELY not conventional Electrolysis. When they will know his method, they will not sleep for many nights.
@Vishnu Dutta: Don't be jealous..!
@Z.Khan: My Dear, he is splitting water in the two gases by electrolysis, its very simple. He is using the car battery as the electricity resource for this electrolysis. All previous experience were done by simple minds who were making the gases in some production plants for these cars, but this time special (pakistani) brains are involved, who are making gas inside the car itself. You should at least know about a thing somehow before commenting about it in blogs..
The main problem iz to seprate the water into hydrogen and oxygen ... Which can only b done at 2000 and only one molecule out of one thousand molecules brake out...so i thnk the claim of agha waqar is purly wrong.
Serch on youtube: Water Car (H2O) (Already Available in USA to Buy!!!)
To run a car on water as fuel is only possiable through Hydogen Cold Fusion.. As energy released by fusion of Hydrogen in one litre of water is=70 Trillions Joules. Hydrogen has more energy than Uranium-235. If you do such experiment you must know the equation: EROEI=energy created by a fuel divided by energy seent to get the fuel. High energy returns possiable with LENR based generators also called Lattice assisted Nuclear reaction LARR. or Cold Fusion. Cold Fusion is a nuclear process,energy is creatrd from mass according to Einstein,s E=mc2 Fusion reaction are million times more powerful then chemical burning of fuels.small amount of fuel can provide large amount of power.
Agha you continue with your job. There are many hurdles in such like achievements. I appreciate you and have already written a column in the daily Pakistan Islamabad dated 11 July,2012.
@Tony Singh: Whether Waqar's discovery works or not, homeopathy the proven medicine system, is here to stay for ever despite your poor opinion about the same. Nevertheless, let me give you some interesting information that yours truly is working on an incurable eye disease with unknown causes ie Blepharospasm which has symptoms of involuntary closure of eyes leading to complete blindness. I have already found a homeopathic medicine for its complete cure but this medicine would have to undergo clinical trial for at least two years before being accepted as curative and the same would benefit millions throughout the world. Thanks and regards.
@Enlightened: now tell me why this car wouldn't work?
@Tamil Arasan, Why do you need to import this kit when Rajnikanth can run all these cars just with his looks!. Just put his photo and the car will run without fuel :-)
A teacher must not be a jialla.
and the Nobel prize goes to Agha Waqar !!!! next in line will be AIDS water injections which will cure the disease in no time....lol
@Tony Singh: You have quoted Avegadros Principle according to which potencies higher than 24X or 12c cannot have even one molecule but homeopaths disagree on this theory and according to them higher potencies have been achieved by Dynamization process. Nevertheless, action speaks louder than words since millions have been cured including those suffering from chronic and incurable diseases by homeopathic medicines for more than 150 years, otherwise homeopathy should have been banned long time back.
A Hindu is challenging a Pakistani Muslim (who is follower of Dr Qadeer Khan). Where are pious Muslims and suicide bomber? It is clear cut case of blasphemy. Govt should register an FIR against this teacher and put him in jail. Agha sahib is our hero along with Dr Qadeer Khan, Osama, mullah Omar, Sadam Hussain. DafaePakistan should hold a rally.
I am from India, can some one tell how to get the dealership of "Water Kit" for India....Also my humble request to Nobel to award Scientist Waqar 100 Nobel prices for this discovery, and Pakistan make this Scientist as country head of Pakistan for the betterment of human race...
Agha Waqar seems to be planted by Khurshid Shah the PPP loyalist for ganing the traditonal Sindh Card sympathy. Mr. Agha for sure will be proved wrong and fraud and thats what PPP man wants which will make ground for them to say " Sindhis are always disregarded and deprived of their rights " I believe PPP has counted its days and are busy again gaining Sindhi sympathy using Agha Waqar Drama.
@Enlightened: The reason I asked this question is that the dilution of say 24X is such that the medicine may not have even one molecule. (According to Avagadro's principle). Still many believe it to be an effective system of medicine. So based on same principle why cannot a water based engine work seemingly defying Avegadro's principle? P.S. I don;t think homeopathy works, but if it does, then running a water engine as set up by the gentleman is possible.
Why is PPP and media bent upon proving that this guy is not fraud?
its mithi not mathi. get your names straight. its a serious business, misplacing names
I think not to make a drama.
agha waqar needs to show his work to a group of scientist . if they approved so then there will be no doubt. and all people know that many things in this world were impossible but the scientist made it possible..myself can belive agha waqar work.
History will show that Mr.Agha Waqar is the GREATEST PHYSICIST the WORLD has ever known !! (Einstein will be a distant second !!)
@Tony Singh: The answer to your question is yes. Let me tell you of my experience with homeopathy for over 30 years that it works equally well in routine ailments and as well as in chronic diseases where other medicine systems fail to cure. However let me put you wiser that Homeopathy cannot replace Allopathic system where major surgeries are involved. Your comments appears to be based on British Medical Association report which has rubbished homeopathy recently but I tend to totally disagree with this report based on my experience as mentioned above. Homeopathy works on the law that whatever symptoms are caused by the medicine in crude form on a healthy person are cured by the same medicine, prepared in potency but it is not possible to explain more on the same as well diseases cured by this system on this forum. Notwithstanding above, my best wishes to Waqar to prove his claim and if he succeeds the whole world will be thankful to him.
It is not running a car, but sustained running for minimum 12 hrs at a stretch. The car battery which is mostly 40 AHC is not likely to sustain continuous discharge to support electrolysis, which small alternator could recoup. The car battery is likely to fall dead by few hours.
Good Bye Newton and Edisson. Welcome Agha Waqar Sahib :))
aga z fraud well done malani
Just out of curiousity - Does homeopathy work? If so,How? This system of medicine also defies many laws? Will anyone care to explain??
@Rukhshan Haroon: Hi Rukh, In which world you are living in. have you ever red law of thermodynamics.... when people are trying to reach moon, mars with this thesis, people are investing huge bucks on invension. you think a JINN will run this car, dont make joke of your land of pure period.
Simple solution of the problem. He should have given a chance of demo to prove his claim. prejudice people should stop criticizing a Pakistani before getting results.
What a mistake .. only ET could come up with this
"Correction: An earlier version of the article incorrectly quoted Waqar as saying that he wants to be bribed. The error is regretted"
Put this guy on the exit control list so that he doesn't try to leave the country with anyone's money
It is not Mr Malani's fault that he refused to accept Waqar's invention we just don't expect much coming from our country other than frauds and scandals. I just hope Mr Waqar's invention is not a fraud and he could prove this in 10 days.
james bond's car runs under water.
I have an advanced stage prototype that enables the car to run on empty promises by politicians. It is field tested to give 50km for every time time they call themselves in service of the common man and 100km for every time Zardari or Nawaz or Khaki duffers open their mouth and speak as if they care for the average citizen. Very efficient engine it works on the principle on strong-force physics - when the bond breaks between promise and hope, there is much energy generated that can be harnessed to run a car. I'm looking to raise some additional funds to commercialize the technology. Please send check of 1 Million Rupees to: 420 Sorry State of Education St, Godhelpabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
what a drama is going on??? can govt cannot form a committee of experts to look this water car????
if his experiment work, it will save millions of Muslims. because world run by hydro carbon [blood of Muslims of Iraq Libya and (Somalia and Sudan)]
think about it what will crude oil be valued if there is ....... 0 dollar per barrel
btw he is not alone who is doing this
@Lala Gee:
you need brain to invent not money his model is simple and don't require too much money.
I think you work with some petroleum company trying to defame Pakistanis.
Has Agha waqar claimed that it runs purely on water? He has stated that he uses electrolysis to isolate hydrogen from water so electricity is also being used. Ofcourse you can use hydrogen as a fuel because it's inflammable. Point is the whole system is an inefficient one. There are vast energy losses in between which make it an unviable project. You might aswell run the car directly from electricity to avoid unnecessary losses in between because no process is a 100% efficient. Energy input is always more than the output. When you include the cost of all things and electricity used to obtain hydrogen as fuel, you will realize it is not an efficient process nor is it clean because most of Pakistan's electricity generation probably comes from coal. Might work out cheaper than oil if he used solar power for electrolysis. But still it would be an inefficient design. His claim is the equivalent of saying a steam engine only runs on water forgetting the coal burnt to heat water to generate steam. That is the whole reason for the invention of the internal combustion engine because the external combustion engine was less efficient.
may the so called "Engineer" be unveiled
Wasnt he supposed to take his fuel powered car to NUST last thursday for testing and at the last moment he backed off?
Stop giving this guy coverage every 2 days.He's not gonna prove or show anything infront of certified engineers/scientests.
Ten days will be enough time for Agha Waqar to run away from the country. Otherwise he will be embarrassed to death.
I don't really know what's up with everyone. There is nothing impossible in this world. We are far behind in Science as compare to our predecessor Muslim researchers. English men have been using Muslims knowledge for latest discoveries. Muslims were very advance in the field of mathematics earlier. Everything has been destroyed unfortunately. A few remains are in the possession of non-Muslims.
My friend & I designed a Perpetual Motion Machine. Theoretically it should have worked. But practically it failed. What does this mean? Actually Theory is what we think. Practical is what actually happens.
I'm not taking the side of Engineer Agha Waqar. I'm just trying to say, what he's saying is not impossible. We should stop criticizing. Instead, we should examine it since it is physically present.
I hope Engineer Agha Waqar is telling the truth.
This is for (sadly) the majority of my countrymen....................
1) Do you know google? I am sure you do (unless you are in the cabinet)
2) Okay, so you know google is a search engine which can lead you to loads of information and all of it can't be wrong
3) Write "cars running on water" and read the results YOURSELF. The article on wikipedia is especially helpful.
4) And, finally, the hardest part for us: THINK FOR YOURSELF.
Jerry Jerry Jerry....
Sindhis are being targeted, Sindhi are international people. The world fears the domination of SIndh, Soon Agha Waqar would join the ranks of Einstein. Jeay Sindh!!!
Mr. Teacher may have scientific investigation detail for what Agha Waqar kit is about. Rather then giving un-ethical remarks. I would say Mr. Teacher explain scientifically what Agha Waqar water kit is about.
@Rukhshan Haroon: Your comment: “alleged Malani” i solely second on these words! yup, Malani is deceiving him, being empty handed of proofs or any zoological profiles, the man is trying to degrade the scientist, Dr.Agha can’t be rebuffed for his innovations…and he will prove himself right!
Dr. Agha ??????
Humans were created from a lump of clay. Cars can run on water. It's as simple at that.
Agha Waqar has patrons like Hamid Mir and Dr Qadeer Khan so he is bold enough to stick to his gun. What he is showing off is school kids work in Europe, America. Agha can befool people gullible people of Pakistan including some TV Anchors. Qadeer Khan gave him a very good piece of advice- to get his invention PATENTED. Once he goes to patent office he will receive proper Dressing Down. So far he has received a slap on his wrist only.
It is actually a good start! No matter, which direction pendulum swings, we are finally talking science and proofs! Well done Prof Ranomal for pushing it to next level. It should be fun to watch.
I wish this were legit just so I could see Dr. Asim open a water terminal at the port, announce that water will only be available every other day, then announce that in 3 years cars will not be allowed to run on water.....just my humble opinion.
Doodh ka doodh Aur Paani ka paani! Reality TV at its best, if Agha Waqar is telling to the truth then why has he not yet applied for a patent?
@Ghulam Rasool Chandio: No wonder Sindh is in such a bad situation. We call fools like Agha our heroes.
All can agree, yes car can run on hydrogen! seprating hydregen from oxygen is the expensive process - that make this unsable! and If Agha has created some cheap process(highly unlikely) to separate hydrogen from water - then he deserved a nobel prize! saving humanity from fossil fuels and all the polution. Arabs better buy this techonolgy - before its too late to save their oil dollars!
Actually Mr Malani should declare a permanent award for anyone who can invent a vehicle which runs purely on water. this will start a healthy competition and more able and learned people will be willing to work on one.
just like NASA had an award for any private vehicle which goes outer space or McCain has an award for a long lasting battery.
15 more days?If Agha's kit is so geunine then why wait for that long,why not just five hours maximum? Mr. Malani might have risked his own reputation if Agha comes up with a more sophisticated way to fool public in two weeks.Who knows he might gather some more people as a hidden team just to carry on with his drama.
Thanks @Khurram for the alibaba site. There is a company in Gujrat, India hydroxygarage.com which makes these kits for $500. Maybe this engineer crossed over the border and got these kits.
Give Agha Waqar Super Security Please. Its My Request to Pak Govt and People. He is in THREAT
6:55 somebody whispered :p
Only in Pakistan where the country is run by an illiterate elite can this fraud continue
We should give 400% more money to kakhis, as india now controls our energy supply(water)!!!!!! Time for jihad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh! Another one like 'ramar pillai', the guy who had claimed to make gasoline from water, and fell flat.
We have formed a fan club for Agha Waqar. We are collecting funds as well. Please contact me on my Email for donations and support. Tarzan
@Ch. Allah Daad: Interesting to read this. http://youthcorrespondent.com/2012/08/water-fueled-car-in-pakistan-a-stirring-debate/
@Lala Gee: "The name suggests some thing fishy."
Really? What about the name is fishy? The fact that it is a Hindu name? So Pakistani Hindus are to be under suspicion even if they try to expose fraud?
Mr. Waqar are making fool to pakistani people because water kit is available in chinese website http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/hydrogen-car-kit.html. Earlier this demonstration showed in different countries. People are Pakistan should watch you tube on this type of experiment. But i am in favour of Mr. Waqar, who introduced this kit in Pakistan.
Those he understand physics, can understand my teacher's thinking. Sir Rano Mal needs not to be inventor b/c he is unique in himself. My teacher can never be wrong. Wait & watch.
@Ch. Allah Daad: . "@ Ajamal, I think this drama should continue. We are learning many things about science." . ....and some scientists too.
I hope when the dust settles, there is accountability of Hamid Mir, Talat Hussain and other anchors who propagated this fraud without due diligence, and for massive waste of the nation's time. The media owners owe it to the nation to do a follow up to the whole episode, and share with us what are the consequences of such massively irresponsible reporting? Our cabinet/parliament should hold hearings against ministers (Khurshid Shah etc) for endorsing a phony claim and undermining the honor and dignity of the country and its parliament. Most importantly, there should be serious inquiry and repercussions for Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Dr. AQ Khan, the PCSIR chairman, the Pakistan Science Foundation chairman for lending their name to the hysteria and bringing into question their own credibility as well as that of the programs they currently run, have run in the past, or are planning to run in future For example: can we trust Mr. Mubarakmand with the Thar Coal Project feasibility if he believed and endorsed the water-kit hoax? Or should the country's leading scientific and industrial research organizations be allowed to be run by such incompetent scientists?
"alleged Malani" i solely second on these words! yup, Malani is deceiving him, being empty handed of proofs or any zoological profiles, the man is trying to degrade the scientist, Dr.Agha can't be rebuffed for his innovations...and he will prove himself right!
the tire tube seems the main reservoir for the so called "fuel"
@imran haider: then we are waiting to see you doing as you promised if waqar succeed. keep your finger crossed.
This only shows the mentality that all our problems would be solved by magic. There is no reason to work hard and go to science education when by the help of Allah some can double your money, bring this third world country out of poverty quickly, stop corruption and run your cars on water. I am glad that all the problems of this bottomless bucket are solved. This is called walking on water and can happen only in Pakistan. The cars should run for a few days not just for a few minutes, otherwise even a pack of batteries could propel a car for a short time. The answer would be the poor inventor does not have enough money for a long-term kit.
Agha wants another few days of fame. He has nothing to loose and shall withdraw after few days.
On another point, Agha's kit looks a very crude design and he has also admitted that there are leaks in the kit. It would be very dangerous. Hydrogen being highly flammable gas could easily cause major explosion. Care should be exercised by everyone. I would not travel in this car. Agha should be asked to run the car himself inside a stadium and others can watch it from a distance.
@ Enlightened, one more point to your excellent logic. The multi nationals has two options if some individual challenges their business. They spend billions and buy that invention or remove that person and his invention with force. This invention, if true has potential to change world forever. Trillions of dollars of these multi-nationals could be lost. If this was not a joke, these multi nationals have acted either with shower of dollars or bombs.
This demo should be aired live on TV. Engineer Waqar should tell the cost that will come to this project.
A sensible move by Dr Mahesh Malani.
@Lala Gee: Yes,his name sounds fishy as its a Hindu name,and since a Hindu is challenging a muslim in Pakistan...It means that he's an infidel RAW agent under the payroll of Mossad to malign the state of Pakistan and Islam...
Blasphemy!!!Blasphemy!!!!! Where are the suicide vest strapped mujahideen brothers when you need them to purify the land???
Go ahead Agha Waqar. May you succeed
There are thousands of cars on roads which run on hydrogen cells. Even Honda has a model which uses Hydrogen fuel cells. In America, some car races are held in which hydrogen cylinders are allowed to get more speed and power. Many motor bike gangs also use hydrogen cylinders (illegaly) for fun. The only problem is that Hydrogen is a very expensive fuel and cannot be compared with fossil fuels in price and availability. Because of unique properties of hydrogen, process to seperate hydrogen from other elements is very expensive and cannot be done in a car itself, because it quantity would be very little. much less to run a car. The prof. Malani is right that Mr. Waqar has hidden hydrogen cylinder underneath car's engine.
if mr QADIR khan believed this crape, it means he is no physicist and helped creat bomb by just copying other people's formulae
Talat Hussain and Hamid Mir are mostly to be blamed for making this fraudster a celebrity. Now they can refute it, but in their first programs both we trying hard to praise him and silence all critics by using "Car to chalti hai" argument.
During Zia's era, another PAEC "scientist" wrote a paper to harness the energy of "Jinna'at" (Djins) for producing electricity, and he got a big time promotion. The current episode is nothing compared to that sorry incident.
Agha Waqar you are great! But I am also sad that sindhi brother is maligning you. Sindh is proud of you Agha
Wooo and that's a headline news in E.T while there is no such news any where else. No wonder E.T so obsessed with Agha khan and his fake invention.
I find it real sad. A Pakistani has made an amazing accomplishment and instead of supporting him he is being challenged? Way to go guys:)
Only Rs.50million? Foreign car manufacturers will pay $50billion for its patent. Like our politicians, there come pseudo scientists to cheat the nation.