Policeman who paraded couple naked suspended

Video clip reveals law enforcers, led by SHO Samejo, paraded man, woman naked while escorting them to police station.

Sarfaraz Memon August 05, 2012
Policeman who paraded couple naked suspended


A police officer who paraded a couple, accused of adultery, naked to the police station was suspended on Saturday.

Earlier on July 28, a team of police officials in the town of Gambat, led by Station House Officer (SHO) Khair Mohammad Samejo arrested a man and two women and charged them with intentions of committing adultery.

A video clip on Saturday, however, purportedly revealed that the law enforcers, led by SHO Samejo, paraded the man and one of the women naked while escorting them to the police station. Locals tried to stop this by helping them put their clothes back on, but the police prevented them from doing so.

On July 30, the accused were produced in court and their bail pleas were accepted. After the issue was taken up by the media, action was taken against SHO Samejo who was subsequently reverted and suspended.

According to sources in the area, Mumtaz often invited escorts to his house, despite strong complaints from his neighbours.

The sources also alleged that SHO Samejo is known for adopting notorious measures for punishing the accused.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 5th, 2012.


Habib A. | 12 years ago | Reply

@Rashid Khan - you reek of ignorance. Get your facts right. Stoning to death, yes that is Islamic justice. But honor killings and parading naked are not Islamic laws or injunctions. You are in need of enlightenment, sir. At least, when you speak, get your facts right so you are not excused as ignorant.

Rashid Khan, Lahore | 12 years ago | Reply

Welcome to Islamic justice!

Parading nacked, stoning to death, honor killing, and the list of so called Islamic, sharia-based justice goes on.

Paks need to get out of the stoneage, and behave with some enlightnement. Is that going to happen? Not in my lifetime!

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